Mys MajisT is a 26 year old Female Rapper..Born Tonice Gilkey and Raised in Michigan by her mother a former DJ and Radio Personality..Mys MajisT's mother was told by the music teacher of her elementary school to put her in music at the age of 7..At the age of 8 Mys MajisT started playing Clarinet in the band and music has been an infectious force in her life every since..As Mys MajisT grew older she advanced to playing multiple instruments,also winning many state solo and band performance medals..During this time she also attended and helped her mother with private parties and was surrounded by music constantly..Mys MajisT's favorite style of music was and still is Rap/Hip-Hop.. After High School Mys MajisT continued her love for music and decided to pursue music as a career..Mys MajisT sat down and decided to give herself a rap name thinking about her influences at the time..Queen Latifah,Lil Kim,and Eve she wanted a name nobody else had but also signified greatness..The name Mys MajisT was created and there was no looking back for the DJ's daughter..Mys MajisT aka "The Queen of Rom-Town"(The city where she lives Romulus,MI)is fairly soft voiced with very hard lyrics describing her attitude surounding her hood,the world,loss of friends and family and not so perfect life...Mys MajisT's middle name stands for "The One They Run To See" I'm pretty sure one day they will....She is a rising star......
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