business ads, personals, memorials, specialty ads.
There's a spot on The Eternal Wall for everyone.
Go to to check out the Wall.
The Eternal Wall is fast growing, innovative new web site captivating the nation. Mile 1, New York, is now locked, and we have moved on to Mile 2 & 3. If you have something to promote, whether it be your music, art, web site, business, or just want to spread a message, the Eternal Wall is the creative palet you need to make a difference. So come visit us and put your stamp on eternity today!
The Craze, The Mondays, Ordinary K, Johnny Louis, Grover, The Mercurial, The Spines, Jay Ford, Dre Parker Comedy and anyone who would like to promote themselves!
Hopefully one day, WallTV
Promote your book on The Eternal Wall.
Fire fighters, police officers, anyone who protects peace.