Tony profile picture


I didn't mean to maim you, I only meant to kill you

About Me

Once upon a time I was in a band ( Juvenile Wreck ).We got kind of popular. Wackiness ensued and we broke up. I moved to California and lived there for three years, then moved to Washington.Now, after five long years, I am playing with a new band called 123 Fake Street , in which I sing and play guitar. In addition to writing songs for 123 Fake Street, I am also in the process of writing 2 novels, a horror themed punk rock musical, and countless comic book scripts.I'm basically a great big amalgam of personality traits that should have no business occupying one body. I laugh at slasher flicks and I cry at Disney. I hate going out, but no force on earth could keep me from going to see a band I love. I have six black belts ,yet I hate to fight. I love bats ,yet I hate mice. I love learning, but I hate classrooms. I have terrible eyesight, yet I can see perfectly in total darkness. I love cats. I love science. I named my cat "Fe" (pronounced "Effie") because she looks like she was dipped in rust and I'm a nerd who spent waaaaaay too much time studying the periodic table of elements. I question everything. My best friends have always been girls. I'm a bit of an intellectual snob, yet I'm addicted to comic books (no really, it's kind of sick). I have the highest I.Q. in my family and I don't say "y'all" , yet I am still held in lower regard than my child-molesting uncle and my barely literate drug addicted cousins. But despite being the black sheep, I still love my family very much. I care about people way too much for my own good. My mother raised me to have an enormous heart and sometimes that's a really bad thing. I'd do anything for the people I love. I bring my friends soup and cough drops when they're sick and pretty much anything else they ask for. I believe that the eyes are the window to the soul. I believe in fate. I believe in true love. I believe in ghosts. Lately I've come to believe in astrology, though I don't put much faith in horoscopes. I prefer brunettes yet almost every girl I've ever dated has been a blonde. I love Halloween, yet I can never think of anything to be. I'd rather make out than have sex. I am allergic to onions, coconut, and strawberries , therefore I'm a very picky eater. I never ate ham until it was forced upon me by a Jewish family, now I'm quite fond it of. I value honesty over anything. If someones asks me a direct question I will always tell them the truth, even if it's not what they want to hear. I have approximately 9,364,258,107 thoughts going through my head at any given time, yet I can never seem to think of anything to do. I was proclaimed legally dead when I was 10 and was revived (obviously). I open doors for people. I walk on the streetside of the sidewalk when walking with someone. I do my best to be chivalrous.
I'm nice. You should talk to me.
[email protected] ..
Profiles /DIV

My Interests

Punk Rock, Rockabilly, Surf Music, Movies, Comic Books, Martial Arts , 1950's Pop-Culture, Horror Movies,Science Fiction, Science In General

I'd like to meet:

Intelligent, Fun People who don't say something is ironic if it isn't irony, and don't say something is decadent unless it is in a state of decay. Using words incorrectly is my biggest pet peeve. Well, that and the term "pet peeve." (Which is an ACTUAL example of irony for those of you playing at home). Basically, I'm just looking for nice people with similar interests and open minds.Also, I have this dream of some day playing poker with Adam West, William Shatner, Henry Winkler, and Billy Idol. I think that Batman, Captain Kirk, Fonzie, and Billy Idol trying to intimidate one another would just be the coolest thing EVER to witness.


Ramones, Buddy Holly, Screeching Weasel, Go-Gos, The Spazzys, Joan Jett, Groovie Ghoulies, The Ventures, Pixies,The Riverdales,The Lillingtons,The Muffs,The Eyeliners, Teen Idols, Replacements, Chixdiggit,The Mopes, The Queers, Descendents, Social Distortion, Oingo Boingo,The Huntingtons, Mojo Nixon, Smoking Popes, Face To Face, Mr. T Experience,Dirt Bike Annie, Horrorpops,Squirtgun, The Hanson Brothers, The Parasites, Moral Crux, New Bomb Turks, The Flipsides, Manplanet, Devo, Darlington, Cub, The Cripplers, Violent Femmes, The Supersuckers,The Jimmies, Teenage Bottlerocket, The Methadones, The Dickies, The Reverend Horton Heat, The Amazing Crowns, The Cramps, The Peabodys, The Wanna-Bes, The Phenomenauts, The Smugglers, The Haints, Even In Blackouts,The Epoxies, The Sounds, Morningwood, DATELESS, Johnny Cash(R.I.P.) , Cheesy 80's Music, 50's Rock'n'Roll, Rockabilly, Surf, Old Country


That Thing You Do, Batman, Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Nightbreed, The Rocketeer, Cry-Baby, Cecil B. Demented, Psycho Beach Party, Fall, Amelie, Lilo And Stitch, The Commitments, Rock'N'Roll High School, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Career Opportunities, Batman, Batman Returns, Moulin Rouge, Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army Of Darkness, Serendipity, Buddy Holly Story, Labamba , Empire Records, My Boyfriend's Back, Mars Attacks, Princess Diaries, Dodgeball (I know, God help me), Back to the Future I-III, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club, Wierd Science, Beetlejuice, Sixteen Candles, Say Anything, Better Off Dead, High Fidelity, About A Boy, Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, Major League, Fright Night, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Crow, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Some Kind Of Wonderful, Can't Hardly Wait, Josie And The Pussycats, Down With Love, Big Fish, The Phantom, Demon Knight, Unbreakable, Grease, Grease 2, Dirty Dancing, Daredevil, She's All That, Cruel Intentions, The Burbs, Wedding Singer, Raising Arizona, Intolerable Cruelty, Mystery Men, May, Dracula, Frankenstein, Bride oF Frankenstein, Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Wolfman, Teen Wolf 1&2, Young Frankenstein, House Of Yes, Boys And Girls, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Leap Of Faith, 10 Things I Hate About You, Loser, American Pie, Nadja, Pet Semetary, A Life Less Ordinary, Angus, Liscense To Drive, Lost Boys, Slums Of Beverly Hills, But I'm A Cheerleader, Stand By Me, Goonies, Gremlins 1&2, Don Juan Demarco, Pirates Of The Carribean, Equilibrium, American Psycho, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Karate Kid I-III, Big trouble In Little China, The Fifth Element, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Whatever Happened To Harold Smith?, Red Hot, Rope, Arsenic and Old Lace, Rebecca, Vertigo


Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, The Simpsons, Futurama, Heroes, Roseanne,Family Guy , The State, Batman:The Animated Series, Justice League, Lilo and Stitch, Saved By The Bell, Nip/Tuck, Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls, Carnivale, Chris Isaak Show, Lost, The Munsters, Bewitched, Addams Family, ALF, Quantum Leap, Queer As Folk, Kids In The Hall, old SNL, Happy Days, C.S.I. , The Head, The Maxx, King Of The Hill, That 70's Show, Home Movies, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Out Of This World, My Secret Identity, Kolchak:The Night Stalker, Sliders, Get Smart, Classic Star Trek, Big Wolf On Campus


Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke, Lamb & Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore, High Fidelity & About A Boy by Nick Hornby, Cash by Johnny Cash, Ramones:An American Band by Jim Bessman, Everything I Know I Learned On Acid by Coco Pekelis , Anything by Roald Dahl or Douglas Adams. Comic Book Titles I read are: Batman, Detective, Gotham Knights, Legends of The Dark Knight, Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing,Catwoman, Birds Of Prey, Outsiders, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Teen Titans, JLA, JSA, Wonder Woman, Astonishing X-Men, She-Hulk, Elektra, Daredevil, Y-The Last Man


Buddy Holly, Joey Ramone, Johnny Cash, Batman, Bruce Lee, Captain James T. Kirk