Sport E. Odie profile picture

Sport E. Odie

The Official Sport E. Odie Myspace Page

About Me

.. width="425" height="350" ...." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars=" 71695&cy=ms&il=1" width="475" height="375" name="flashticker" align="middle"/ .. Get Your Own! | View SlideshowBorn John Adams, Sport E. Odie has had a very interesting life thus far. On May 28, 1982 in Charlotte, NC, Dorothy Adams gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that also happened to be funny as h*ll. John Adams was already the planned name, but when little John came out of the womb his parents noticed that something was bigger then usual (get your mind out of the gutter). He had gigantic hands and they knew that he would be an athlete so they gave him the nickname Sport not knowing that it would eventually grow into a much stronger meaning. Sport..s childhood was not the worst possible situation, but it was tough enough. Growing up without a father figure was hard at times, but the callous times were abbreviated because of mama Adams.. strength. Knowing that the bills were out weighing the income, our family transportation was counting down on its last couple of miles, and the fatherly phone calls nor child support checks never seemed to find their way to 1347 Sharon Rd West, Sport knew that making his younger sister, and hard working MOM smile could be a magnificent dose of medicine. Whether it was mocking the ..Dirty Dozens.. skit from ..In Living Color.., or his Arsenio Hall impersonation, he knew that at tough times he had to ..turn up the comedy...Don..t tangle or twist it. Growing up, Sport was, and still is a monster on the basketball court. Basketball occupied Sport..s time from the age of six all the way to the college level at Winston Salem State University. Given the competitive edge that all athletes contain, Sport would still find time to slip in his comedic edge. Whether it was in the locker room, or while the coach was in a yelling frenzy, teammates knew not to glance over at Sport because this would only lead to an uncontrollable laughter.From small elementary theatrical performances, onto his own hip-hop radio show, and eventually hosting shows in front of 1000+ people, Sport E. Odie is still far away from his life time goal. Striving to become a VJ, an actor, and ultimately directing his own motion picture is not an effortless job. Consistent/Persistent work ethic will definitely be the key to Sport..s success. Remember people, ..In life you have two types of people; you have the people that sit back and say.. ..It would be nice if I could.... and then you have the people that Just Make It Happen..! YAO MING, URLEEE!http://www.sporteodie.comGet Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests


Member Since: 3/27/2006
Band Website:
Influences: Martin Lawrence, and Michael Jordan
Type of Label: None