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About Me

¿Qué es la CNT?
Fundada en 1910 en Barcelona, a partir de la unión de las sociedades obreras no vinculadas a las corrientes socialdemócratas, la CNT sigue fiel a los principios anarcosindicalistas que la infundaron desde siempre, y es la única heredera en el Estado español del espíritu de la Primera Internacional.
La CNT es, hoy por hoy, el único sindicato en el Estado español totalmente independiente de directrices políticas, en el que los que deciden son los trabajadores afiliados y no un comité de profesionales del sindicalismo, que renuncia a la financiación del Estado y la Patronal para mantener su independencia económica, y que no deja las negociaciones en manos de intermediarios.
Nuestros objetivos Desarrollar en los trabajadores el espíritu de asociación, practicar el apoyo mutuo y la solidaridad entre los trabajadores, representar, defender y promocionar los intereses económicos, sociales, profesionales y culturales de los afiliados, así como programar las acciones necesarias para conseguir las mejoras sociales y económicas, tanto para los afiliados como para los trabajadores en general.
Quienes somos Los afiliados de la CNT son todos aquellos trabajadores que se sienten explotados por sus patronos, que ven cómo dia tras dia se ignoran sus derechos, mientras una clase privilegiada anuncia sin pudor el crecimiento de sus beneficios.
Para ayudar a la consecución de sus fines, entendiendo que la creciente globalización de la economía es un fenómeno que los trabajadores no podemos ignorar, la CNT está asociada con otras Organizaciones obreras afines de todo el mundo, dentro de la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (AIT), heredera de la 1ª Internacional y fundada en Berlín en 1922.
Los trabajadores del Astillero de Puerto Real, los agricultores de Pedrera y su comarca, los trabajadores de la Nuclear de Lemoniz, son testigos y protagonistas de las luchas llevadas a cabo por la CNT durante los últimos 20 años, y de cómo la practica anarcosindicalista es capaz de llevar a buen término las reclamaciones de los trabajadores.
Por otra parte, en la CNT no hay líderes que marquen las pautas de la organización, sino que son todos los trabajadores afiliados los que aportan su energía y sus ideas para hacerla funcionar todos los días.
English translation;
What is the CNT?
Founded on 1910 in Barcelona, from the union of nontie the working societies to the Social-Democratic currents, the CNT follows faithful the anarcosindicalistas principles that infundaron it from always, and is the only heiress in the Spanish State of the spirit of the First International.
CNT is, at the present time, only union in State Spanish totally independent of directives political, in that those that decides are trabajadores/as afiliados/as and not a committee of professionals of the sindicalismo, that resigns to the financing of the State and the Employer's association to maintain its independence economic, and that does not leave the negotiations into the hands of intermediarios/as.
Our objectives To develop in the workers the association spirit, to practice the mutual support and solidarity between the workers, to represent, to defend and to promote economic, social, professional and cultural the interests of the affiliated ones, as well as to program the actions necessary to obtain the social and economic improvements, as much for the affiliated ones as for the workers in general.
Who we are Afiliados/as of the CNT aquellos/as is todos/as trabajadores/as that feels explotados/as by his patronos/as, that see how day after day their rights are ignored, while a privileged class announces without pudor the growth of its benefits.
In order to help the attainment of their aims, understanding that the increasing globalización of the economy is a phenomenon that trabajadores/as we cannot ignore, the CNT is associate with other compatible working Organizations worldwide, within the Association the International of Trabajadores (AIT), heiress of 1ª the International and founded on Berlin in 1922.
Trabajadores/as of the Shipyard of Real Port, agricultores/as of Stone quarry and their region, trabajadores/as of the Nuclear one of Lemoniz, is witnesses and protagonists of the fights carried out by the CNT during last the 20 years, and of how it practices it anarcosindicalista he is able to take to good term the claims of trabajadores/as.
On the other hand, in the CNT there are no leaders who set the standards of the organization, but that is all the workers afiliados/as those who contribute to their energy and its ideas to make it work every day.
Anarcosindicalistas principles The National Confederation of the Work, continuator of the First International, founded on 1870, is a revolutionary organization formed by trabajador@s grouped in the corresponding unions ace its professional activity.
If as last purpose persecutes a society without state and classes to which the name of Libertario Comunism occurred, the C.N.T thinks that so objective it cannot be the result of the theoretical elaboration of minorities leaders or "clarified vanguards". But of all l@s trabajador@s, their fights, their decisions, their assemblies.
A party or a hierarchic and vertical organization, will tend to a type of authoritarian society by very socialist that says, so that in last instance, the C.N.T offers to all trabajador@s the possibility of being constructing a future for all by themselves, to the margin of the parties and elitist groups that consider to trabajador@s a force of drag or an electioneering mechanism.
In the C.N.T there are no unremovable dogmas, the ideological guideline marks the regular congresses to it, and the Confederation admits in its sine to nobody trabajador/ra, is any its thought or belief, whenever it respects the dynamics of libertaria participation and the ideas that mark the same purpose of the organization:
FREEDOM: It is pleaded for the Maxima freedom within a right and shared in common society in which the factors of repression, discrimination, and any other type of authoritarianism disappear.
DIRECT ACTION: Direct action is not synonymous of "blind terrorism" or irrational violence (as the bourgeoisie has wanted to see) but independence and desvinculación of all the artificial conventions (started off, parliaments, fight by the bourgeois power) that separate to trabajador@s of the direct understanding of the problems and the way to put solution to them by means of the emancipadora fight.
ANTIPARLIEMENTARIANISM: It is the rejection to the parliamentary forms of fight and participation in the bourgeois apparatus of the State, to represent a brake the organizational development of the working class, having to demobilize it, when separating manifestly political vindications of economic vindications, which prevents the progressive control of trabajador@s on the set of the economic and political social life.
FEDERALISMO: The federalismo, organizational system that is constituted of down to above, is all coherent with the autogestión and solidarity of class, to articulate the shared in common society rationally that we try to reach. Federalismo is the opposed thing to centralism, is the system that allows each part participates according to its own reality and criteria and is associated freely to the others. Of this independent group, with collective internal dynamics, that acquires bonds of solidarity with compatible groups, arranging actions and tactics, we will say that he is federalist and, in its libertario fullness.
SOLIDARITY And AUTOGESTIÓN (COMUNISMO LIBERTARIO): The Autogestión is the form that is to take the administration from the society based on the control and the management by the own workers of all its surroundings, in a global sense (after the total revolution) after the elimination of any type of being able of people on others and of the institutions on the person. Consequently the autogestión and direct action are complementary and they only can be assumed of consequent form by an organization of trabajador@s, frees and revolutionary.

My Interests

Casas Viejas revuelta campesina CNT AIT FAI represión brutal

Guerra Civil -Revolución en Asturias



El Rock del Obrero,Punk,Ska,Reggae, de toda clase de musica

A Las Barricadas

Negras tormentas agitan los aires,

nubes oscuras nos impiden ver.

Aunque nos espere el dolor y la muerte,

contra el enemigo nos manda el deber.

El bien más preciado es la libertad:

¡Hay que derfenderla con fe y valor!

Alta la bandera revolucionaria que del triunfo sin cesar nos lleva en pos.

Alta la bandera revolucionaria que del triunfo sin cesar nos lleva en pos.

¡En pie pueblo obrero! ¡A la batalla!

¡Hay que derrocar a la reacción!

¡A las barricadas! ¡A las barricadas!

¡Por el triunfo de la Confederación!

¡A las barricadas! ¡A las barricadas!

¡Por el triunfo de la Confederación!


Tierra y libertad


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Cruz Negra Anarquista






My Blog

La CNT gana el conflicto con EUROCOLLEGE.

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CNT declara conflicto a VAW-Arvato.

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Posted by C.N.T on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:25:00 PST

Un delegado de CCOO declara a favor de la empresa y en contra de la CNT........

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Posted by C.N.T on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:21:00 PST

Un delegado de CCOO declara a favor de la empresa y en contra de la CNT

Un delegado de CCOO declara a favor de la empresa y en contra de la CNT en un juicio por despido   El día 17 del pasado mes de abril, Miriam fue despedida por la empresa para la que traba...
Posted by C.N.T on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 04:07:00 PST

Represión sindical en la Comunidad de Madrid (IMDER).

El pasado día 3 de julio, la gerencia del IMDER (Instituto Madrileño para el Deporte, el Esparcimiento y la Recreación), organismo dependiente de la Comunidad de Madrid, incoaba un expediente discipli...
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Manifestación Libertaria el 1 de Mayo en Barcelona

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