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Here is a short look at one of the many debates:
Kuhanten Frost:
I have to go with the Cinobites in Hellbound Heart: Hellraiser II without a doubt. They are absolute evil and are just amazingly torturous. Something about creatures that were created to wreak havok upon humankind using the vices that made them what they are is universally mindblowing if you really think about it.
Clive Barker was out of his mind when he created Pinhead and the Cinobites. I mean take a look at the creatures from "Criters" they roll around shoot quills and eat you....ok that goes pretty quik not too much pain, or how about the Xenos from Alien they are brutal, ut they too kill you with little pain. The Xenos (from Alien)kill you in a short amount of time yes, but, they make you suffer like hell before you die.
Hands down the best Monster/Alien in the Horror Genre is the Zombie. They feel no pain, and they need no air to live. In small amounts they aren't that effective, but in army amounts they can kill the world. Nothing is scarier than the walking dead, that is the general publics biggest fear.
Kuhanten Frost:
That's the downfallof the zombie is thelarge numbers for them to really be effective. For example it would take only one Cinobite to take out the people in the mall, Not even the zombies got them all. Zombies are only after flesh, Cinobites are after physical pain and pleasure simultaniously and are much more effective at ripping somsone apart in a more horrible way.
Cenobites have to be summoned, and are here to serve a purpose. Whereas Zombies have no purpose. They are here to multiply as fast as they can, and eat the flesh of the living.
Kuhanten Frost:
kinda like rasbbits and carrots. but I digress lol
In terms of gore factor the Cinobites have it, in terms of ultimate brutality the cinobites have it, in terms of not easy to kill (if at all really possible), the cinobtes have it. Even though they must be summoned they are a much more formidable adversary then a gang of zombies.
A gang of zombies, yes. But an Army of the undead is WAY more deadlier than Cenobites. An army of the undead is impossible to fully kill without doing more harm to the planet than the actual army itself.
One solitary Zombie can produce a gang, and a gang could easily produce an army. An army of undead would be more brutal, IMPOSSIBLE to kill, and EXTREMELY more gory. Imagine 20-30 headless/limbless/burnt/mangled human corpses walking there way toward you, with only one thing on their "minds"...eating your flesh while you are still alive. Thats another point, Zombies can't possibly feel pain, because no pulses are being sent to the brain.
Therefore A Zombie Cenobite...
Kuhanten Frost:
to my knowledge Cinobites thrive and become stronger from pain. It transfers to them as pleasure. Hence they really don't feel pain. An Army of the undead could be wiped out wiht a nice tactical nuke but would a nuke even harm a Cenobite? I don't think so....they are technically already dad so what would happen? Nothing more then them reforming a bit later on an thy are back to the killing. Sure Zombies are ghastly and menacing adn can turn you into one of them, but them turning you will only reaimate your body the soul is already gone upon the death....Cinobites take your soul and you are tortured from here to eternity. Either way the Cinobites effectivly have a much highr upper hand over th Zombies.
Alright....but A Cenobite can be reasoned with. You can talk your way out of it...But with a zombie there is no talking your way out of it. You will be reasoning.
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