BBC 2006 Festival Info
BBC 2005 Festival Photos BBC 2004 Festival ReviewBBC 2006 Festival Info
BBC 2005 Festival Photos BBC 2004 Festival ReviewMusic, Arts, Crafts, Stalls, Traders, World food, Magic, Comedy, Entertainers, Cabaret, Street Theatre, Circus, Dancers, Exhibitionists, Workshops, Kids fun, Fancy dress, Ecology, Well-being, Friends and Fun for Free!
We would love to hear from anyone wanting to get involved with this unique event.You can email the festival at [email protected]~~~SPONSORS~~~SPONSORS~~~SPONSORS~~~ SPONSORS~~~We have opportunities within the festival from advertising in our in our programme to banners on marquees and all manner of things in between.If you feel you have other resources to offer, please contact us, as this can sometimes be more useful than money. ~~TRADERS~~~TRADERS~~~TRADERS~~~TRADERS~~~TRADERS~~Stall holders download a booking form here.If you have a special request you can email our stall manager~~BANDS~~~BANDS~~~BANDS~~~BANDS~~~BANDS~~~BANDS~~ Artists wishing to perform should send demos to Come Together Festival 38 Audley Street,, Reading, RG30 1BP.
Live Rock, Indie, Pop, Punk, Acoustic, Folk, Dub, Reggae, Gypsy, Electro, House, Breakbeat, Drum & Bass But we are not into pigeon holes. We just love music!
Works in Progress at Come Together 06 Jewels at the first Warm Up @ The Oakford
Festival goers having a knees up - Come Together 06 Come Together Festival Site Tour 2004
Does Festival Eye count?
O.S.A.R. Peter Green Invesco PerpetualVik Martin Come Together's Official Photographer