3D-modeling/animation, playing bass-guitar, talking with people about anything...... :-D
improvisation, sessions, rock, metal, hard/grime-core, electronic
gunjah, tool, amon tobin, jamiroquai, indian ropeman, M.I.A., Megavier, opeth, miles davis, ministry, john coltrane, NIN, Pantera, pothead, suicidal tendencies, bruder&kronstädta, outcast, slipknot, KRS-ONE, tolcha .....
metropolis, starship troopers, sin city, ghost in the shell, eqilibrium, logans run, darkstar,brain dead, badtaste, evil dead & armyof darkness, THX 1138, fifth element, fight club, matrix I, animatrix, hulk, brother, train spotting, spun, fear and loathing in las vegas, samurai fiction
my brother sven!!!