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The Tank

The burn says it's working!

About Me


Buy our new album at iTunes!

Also available online through

REMODEL the new album from The Tank.

On Bullion Records in Japan, and Boss Tuneage worldwide.

Available online through



Split 7" with J Church on Itchy Korean Records .Recorded by Mark Arnold of Big Drill Car

Click image to order


THE TANK features former members of Gameface, Brown Lobster Tank, Smartbomb Ca, Welt, Align, and Big in Japan.

"What we do is really quite unique. We start with a very catchy or memorable melody (referred to as the "chorus" or "hook"). We preface this "chorus" with somewhat more subdued melodic passages we call "verses". Oftentimes a "pre chorus" will be inserted between the two, for added emphasis of the "chorus". A "bridge" frequently precedes the final "chorus" for increased impact. Accompanying word groupings we call "lyrics" tend to provide some personal revelation, and usually retain some semblance of a "theme" from start to finish. We think this formula could be the start of something great." -Stolen from ReadymadeBreakUp


The Tank "Self Defeating"

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I never said we didn't have big heads. .

Below is a video from our first album. It's for the song Thomas Guide.
Get this video and more at

My Interests


Member Since: 12/18/2004
Band Website:
Band Members:

Ken Conte - vocals

Matt Levine - guitar

Guy Julian - bass guitar

Ross Levine - drums

Jeremy Jessen - guitar

Influences: 7 Seconds, Foo Fighters, Big Drill Car, Elvis Costello, Dag Nasty, Joe Jackson, Bad Religion, Cheap Trick, Black Flag, The Beach Boys, Dead Kennedys, Rocket From the Crypt, Bob Mould, Minor Threat, Matthew Sweet, X, Social Distortion, Buddy Holly, Supersuckers, Queen, Bad Brains, Led Zepplin, MDC, Descendents, and the list goes on...
Record Label: Boss Tuneage / Bullion / Glass Presser
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Yet another new(ish) song posted?

It's crazy. Apparently we have more than 6 songs that people like. So in keeping with our democratic principles we have decided to change out a song. The new(ish) song is called, strangely enough, ...
Posted by The Tank on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 03:42:00 PST

A show? With Big Drill Car?

True story.08/16/2008 08:00 PM - Fitzgerald's Pub with BIG DRILL CAR 19171 Magnolia Street Huntington Beach, California 92646 US Description:21+ with Big DRILL Car! and Tan Analog $12.00 Tickets on sa...
Posted by The Tank on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 03:53:00 PST

2 new-ish songs posted!

Due to popular demand we have posted two more songs.No Worse For The Wear is a Big Drill Car cover that came out this (last?) year on a split The Tank/J Church 7" for Itchy Korean Records. It will als...
Posted by The Tank on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 12:14:00 PST

Okay, okay, so I might have flaked a little.

I just realized that we (mostly me) haven't posted a blog in almost a year. We actually have been doing stuff, really, I swear. And most of it is AWESOME! Of course everything we do IS pretty aweso...
Posted by The Tank on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 06:10:00 PST

1610 miles, 4 shows, 1 good time

So we hit Tommy's, In-n-Out, Del Taco, Carls Jr. and Roberto's. But we missed Pancake Circus, and Taco John's. We also played some shows. Bought a gallon or two of gas. Ate some Otter Pops. Drank ...
Posted by The Tank on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 12:56:00 PST

Remodel available July 10th. Now with shows!

Remodel will be available in the U.S. on July 10th. We will be playing a few shows the week of the release. Come out and say hi to your friendly neighborhood tank.-thetank
Posted by The Tank on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 01:52:00 PST

Remodel is now out in Deutschland and the UK!

We don't have any pictures though, but we do have some reviews in Deutsch! http://www.smash-m...
Posted by The Tank on Fri, 25 May 2007 06:52:00 PST

Remodel is in stores in Japan! (We've got pictures to prove it!)

Remodel was released in Japan on 4/18.  So far things seem to be going pretty well! Check this picture out from Tower Records in Japan! (I guess they are still open there) Check this one ou...
Posted by The Tank on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 11:50:00 PST


Thanks to everyone that came out to the shows. Extra special thanks to those of you who braved the "storm of the century" to make it out to the Mankato shows. Minnesota is one of those places that t...
Posted by The Tank on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:58:00 PST

Releases? Shows? Is it really possible?

Hey kids. We have some news actually. The long awaited (hey, my mom counts!) album is about to be released.It's called REMODEL and it should be out sometime in the spring on Glass Presser Records. It...
Posted by The Tank on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 01:20:00 PST