Jay profile picture


bibamus, moriendum est

About Me

First off, I like fun people that know when not to take me seriously, and smart people that know when they should......oh and I'm awesome. If you take the time to get to know me you'll realize that I'm free-spirited, funny, and a ferociously good time. Also of note, I love my family and friends, I'm horrifically allergic to pizza and beer, and I have a strange penchant for diner food after 2:00 AM.

My Interests

Music, dance, art(Jack Vettriano current fav.), design, travel(I miss Praha), films(or you can call them movies, I was only a film major for a year), reading, philosophy, playing tennis, continuing my education, studying law(intellectual properties), cooking(anything gluten-free), making the world a better place, battling evil, schadenfreude, dream interpretation, nascent Peter Pannism, Strongbad emails, and talking monkeys.
Oh, I was going to put down more nerdy intellectual pursuits like particle physics, nanotechnology, cosmology, communications technology, and global politics, but how do you juxtapose those with Strongbad emails and talking monkeys? No, I'd really like you to send me a message if you can explain how you can do it.

I'd like to meet:

People that are awesome. Or you! As long as you are not a sociopath, a sycophant, criminally insane, or have warrants for your arrest in more than three states. So if you aren't terribly disingenuous, shallow, or self-serving we'll get along just fine. If you are smahhhhhht, hilarious, interesting, good natured, a sexual deviant(sorry, for women and post-op transexuals only), and can appreciate my sense of humor and lexicon, then I'd say you should send me a message. Also of note, you may be awesome if you are so ridiculously hot that it makes whatever you say interesting, or you are so interesting that it makes whatever you say seem intelligent, or you are so intelligent that it makes you look hot. If you are intelligent, interesting, and hot, then feel free to ask me out to dinner, buy me drinks, and make your best pass at me.
Seriously? People that read would be a good start.


Beastie Boys, Black Eyed Peas, Gorillaz, Outkast, Plan B, Sublime, No Doubt, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Carl Cox, Tiesto, Icey, Simply Jeff, Josh Wink, Chris Thomas, Yellow Note, Andy C, Ming & FS, Empress, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Depeche Mode, INXS, The Cure, Stills, Interpol, Death Cab, The Nields, The Beatles, Thelonious Monk, Coltrane, Otis Redding, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Art Tatum, Angelo Badalamenti, Jack Johnson, The Doors, Bob Marley, U2, Sting, Radiohead, Poe, Portishead, Massive Attack, Bjork, Mono and much much more!


Ronin, Eye of the Beholder, Boondock Saints, Fight Club, Snatch, Memento, A Beautiful Mind, Hackers, Silence of the Lambs, Good Will Hunting, Bladerunner, The Big Sleep, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Reservoir Dogs, Kicking and Screaming(1995), Trainspotting, The Fischer King, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, Better Off Dead, One Crazy Summer, Goonies, Willow, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Clue, Shrek, Braveheart, Tron, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The New Legend of Shaolin, and of course Ninja Scroll


The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Scrubs


Me Talk Pretty One Day, Angels and Demons, Pattern Recognition, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Flowers for Algernon, The Color of Water, Tao of Pooh, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Art of War, Polite Lies, Fools Die, Between Heaven & Hell, The Worst Case Scenario Handbook, The Celestine Prophecy, Dune, books by William Gibson and Scott Adams.....also of note are works by Derrida, Lacan, Chompsky, Campbell, and Foucoult. Right now I'm reading Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesia...woo!


Spider Man, Andy Dufresne, Leto II and other fictional characters or real people that choose to do what is right over easy, difficult despite the consequences, and manage to triumph despite the way the world works. If you can figure out all three of those references, then you might be my hero too.

My Blog

Why are you here?

In my January blog post, I had cliche moment that kept me attached to many of the people in my friends list.  I was enamored with the idea that everyone in my friends list had something interesti...
Posted by Jay on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:44:00 PST

Just so I don't forget...

As I was driving home from Hartford, a car was driving towards me heading south on the northbound side of interstate 91. It's a little disorienting to go around a curve and see headlights heading towa...
Posted by Jay on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 10:02:00 PST

This will probably be deleted...

I need new pictures. Badly.  Some people have pictures with me in them.  Most are incriminating.  Others offer bemusement. However, there are a rare few that have been taken of me in th...
Posted by Jay on Sat, 03 Sep 2005 04:46:00 PST

Regarding the 4th of July

I had just heard this story at dinner......it doesn't involve fireworks but a stick of dynamite....which I guess when you get older is the required amount of gun powder you need to be using to legitim...
Posted by Jay on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Regarding Friend Requests...

Let me start with....yes, I am friendly.  I swear, go ask my friends, go ask my family, go ahead and ask your mom.  But if I don't know you, you are going to have to send me a message so we ...
Posted by Jay on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Confessions of an abrupt break-up...

You'd think with the pictures we had taken we would last, but sadly enough our time has come to an end. Sure, she's pretty, slim, smart looking, and lasts a long time, but sadly enough that isn't eno...
Posted by Jay on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What am I ever thinking?

Why I choose to do the right thing over what is easy I'll never quite fathom. If only I could press 'pause' on my ethics. I swear this morality thing is from watching too much television as a child.
Posted by Jay on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


"If life is a movie most people would consider themselves the star of their own feature. Guys might imagine they're living some action adventure epic. Chicks maybe are in a rose-colored fantasy romanc...
Posted by Jay on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


If I haven't heard from you, seen you in months, and/or I wasn't planning on it, then naturally I am going to delete you! If you're really nice, I just might take you back. ;)
Posted by Jay on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST