antique80. profile picture


no one ought ever do that again. -Annie Taylor

About Me

sometimes i feel really socially awkward. i want a dog. i enjoy places that show no sign of human existence aka the valley's best hiding spots. oh, and go check out "complaints choirs" on youtube, especially Helsinki Complaints Choir. They'll take your mind off things.
Myspace Layouts
You scored as Romanticist. Romanticism encourages society to look backwards to find our solutions. Your rationale is that things were much better a few hundred years ago so we should thus look back to those times and replace them in our modern society. You believe in a simple life and that the complexities of the modern world have turned it upside down.

Cultural Creative















What is Your World View?
created with
You Are Lightning
Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You?CSS IS HOT!

My Interests

luuuuuuuuuukke!!!! my bff pamela. watching leaves dance behind my car. my yellow hoodie. a warm bed. my job. tater tots. fireworks through my 35. my nini panini. cleaner air. i love celebrating birthdays; it's just too bad no one likes to celebrate mine. kayaking. finding great gifts for people just for the sake of finding a great gift. shoes. dante. photos(especially old ones). cooking for loved ones. making cards for anyone, anytime. not getting into trouble(although it seems to become easier and easier). day dreaming. sexy people. most importantly what makes them that way. fire...i love fire. Germany. Vacations. foggy mornings. mint chocolate chip ice cream. cheese. warm weather. shooting stars. driving through small town america. this american life(on npr). Toulouse-Lautrec. Sargent. Federico Patellani.

I'd like to meet:

dope girls. kind hearted and genuine people. lissun...


umm...whachu got.


ferngully. boondock saints. city of god. city of lost children. thank you for smoking. documentaries: ghosts of rwanda, rize.


oh geez. LINK TV. when you've worked a long day, it's good to unwind with a stupid sitcom, but too much makes me depressed.


anything on the holocaust...maus is the shit!!! the dictionary...i have the worst vocabulary...i should read more often. a people's history of the united states. the giving tree. sneakerfreaker. the polar express. anything by vandana shiva; that woman is such an inspiration. Deer Hunting With Jesus. Full-Frontal Feminism. anything my neice asks me to read her.


kirsten. anise. caleb. lala. caitlin. my boss. mr. Gish

My Blog

Anger Management

When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don't know, but you know...
Posted by antique80. on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 05:32:00 PST

i like to shoot guns

no seriously, i do. and if you haven't or you want to, do it! go to a gun range and shoot, shoot, shoot! i'd do it every weekend if i could!! not that i endorse killing people, but shooting
Posted by antique80. on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:52:00 PST

Music For Any Occasion

Feeling sad? lonely? bored?...Cleaning the house? road trip? House party and no DJ? get alcohol and this album! You need Fabric Live 33 (Spankrock)! nothing else will brighten your day or give yo...
Posted by antique80. on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:50:00 PST

"Bawstin" so obsurd and yet so true!

For those of you who have never been to "Bawstin", this is a good guideline..I hope you will consider coming to "Beantown" in the near future. For thosewho call New England home, this is just plain gr...
Posted by antique80. on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 05:45:00 PST