Music, Drinking, Sex, Running around naked, hanging with my friends, Crashing parties, Making sure that when people fall asleep around me get a nice tea bagging... DID I ALREADY MENTION MUSICK??!! ..
black people,white people,asian people,nice people,ugly people,cute as hell people,honest people,break-dancing people,tap-dancing people,crazy people,homeless people,rich-ass people,poor people,fat people,skinny people,tall-ass people,small people,midium super size people,one leg people,smart people,kind people,delightfupeople,retarded people,virtuous respectable decorousno people, underwear people,corn-field people,sexy people,cerveza people,atari people,tequila people,kung-fu people,old people,new people,mid-condition people,body-slamming techno people,rice and beans people,playboy people,positive people,180 bpm people,humble people,karate people,motormouth people but not talking shit people,crackhead people,deaf people,raw n roll people,unattractive people,stupid-ass closeminded people,beautiful people,drum n bass people,95 down hip-hop people,bikini people,movies producers people, and one of my favorite! fake people =) the end
Everything, but mostly drum and Bass... xtreamely open mind...
lesbians PORN
videos music box back in 89,american shoppers,monster garage,in living colors,
Maxim, Stuff, anything with pretty girls on it
who ever fix this country!