MR. FANCY MAN profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.
- Sir Arthur Eddington
All i need is a Coffee and a Beer!
UPDATE: I'm in awe that this is actually something real, Ladies and gentlemen I introduce you to coffee beer: CLICK ME FOR COFFEE BEER
All they need to do now is ferment it longer to make it alcoholic
Well, I love to be Social. i wish i lived on an Island somewhere Tropical where i can sit on a beach chair with my laptop and a wireless internet connection. But, only if i could have all my friends and the people i love by my side. If you haven't already figured out, i work in and love Computers and technology.... ohhh... Ill write more later... i never know what to say here!
(and i don't like to capitalize my "i"s)
A Conversation at the Grownup Table, as Imagined by me at the age of 8:
MOM: Pass the wine, please. I want to become crazy.
GRANDMOTHER: Did you see the politics? It made me angry.
DAD: Me, too. When it was over, I had sex.
UNCLE: I’m having sex right now.
DAD: We all are.
MOM: Let’s talk about which kid I like the best.
DAD: (laughing) You know, but you won’t tell.
MOM: If they ask me again, I might tell.
FRIEND FROM WORK: Hey, guess what! My voice is pretty loud!
DAD: (laughing) There are actual monsters in the world, but when my kids ask I pretend like there aren’t.
MOM: I’m angry! I’m angry all of a sudden!
DAD: I’m angry, too! We’re angry at each other!
MOM: Now everything is fine.
DAD: We just saw the PG-13 movie. It was so good.
MOM: There was a big sex.
FRIEND FROM WORK: I am the loudest! I am the loudest!
(Everybody laughs.)
MOM: I had a lot of wine, and now I’m crazy!
The End.
This is a silly thing I found with Feist Rapping and Dancing (wait till the end, its great!)

My Interests

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Aryn J





Imogen Heap




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Music?! I love Almost anything that is out there. With some exceptions! I am in a constant search for new music! if you know of anything new and original, let me know! :-) Right now, its Imogean Heap, Feist, Conjour One, Live Concert Bootlegs. I'll add more as I find stuff


I went to Emerson for 2 years, its hard for me NOT to love all movies.... But I would have to say (All pictures are clickable and bring you to IMDB):

I know theres a bunch more, ill have to add them later when i have some more time....



ALL the Harry Potter books (and I'm not ashamed of it!) Anything by Dan Brown, Hyperspace, A Brief history of time, Flatlanders (books about physics and interesting theories about life), Eragon, Eldest, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Golden Compass.....Ill add more in a little bit... too many too add!



My Blog

a Duel with a Turtle

Okay, so Its not everyday that someone has a turtle try to pick a fight with you, or thinks "Hey, I think I going to go pick on this turtle over here!" But today.... yeah.... I did it! I started a fi...
Posted by MR. FANCY MAN on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 09:28:00 PST


hey! I have a blog!
Posted by MR. FANCY MAN on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 08:33:00 PST