alia the great profile picture

alia the great

its easy to be deep when your life is mostly pain.

About Me

alia weiner, You are a Motivational Visionary
Ideas and options are what you're always creating and doing.

Description of the 4 Quadrants

Your Communication Style ?

Understanding the Big Picture

Thinking and processing! That's what you love to do the most. Ideas and options are what you're always creating. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole and leads to a better building process.

Most of the time you are very uncanny about seeing and understanding the big picture. Yes, you're a holistic thinker that is always asking the question "How?" Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be woven into a framework to answer your question of "How?" Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole. These are some of the many reasons why people refer to you as a visionary.

How You Think

Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. However, you do use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different, ways.

Dynamic Creativity

Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, allows you to develop idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.

There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment, or a project. If you do the work early, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you'll see it in a different contextual whole at the time when it is due. So, why redo it?

Exploring Options

Every so often paradoxical thoughts attract you. While most people avoid them, you seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied consistently together with logical and factual data.

You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is ordinary about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to know and read about it. You may take an idea from this and apply it in some practical way.

As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and the creation of new ideas and ways of looking at something that excites you. Your world is the world of possibilities and visions.

Thinking of the Future

You're always thinking about the future and you have an usual awareness as to what may happen. What you forecast is not always logical and sometimes makes many people uncomfortable. But if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.

How You Communicate with Others

People want you to share your thoughts with them. That's because your ideas and expressions usually give a different slant on a topic or on what's happening. Many times others look to you for your awareness or guidance about something.

You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness for what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.

The same thing happens when you enter a room with people conversing. Without trying, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being expressed. As you join a group, people are drawn to you and have a need to express their thoughts and feelings in your presence. You seem to be a natural facilitator for communication on all levels.

Motivating Others

Every so often, you'll be inspired enough to positively motivate people to follow you as their leader. When you're in this action mode, you can speak before and lead large groups of people, even major organizations if you've had enough previous experience. Your words will flow fluidly and touch the hearts and minds of those listening. You'll have a dynamic energy that will focus people to successfully accomplish the goals and objectives set forth.

Yes, if the situation is right, you can go from this quiet, sensitive thinker and communicator to a charismatic, dynamic leader who is not afraid of risks or of being wrong. It's not as dramatic as being Clark Kent and turning into Superman. However, if some persons have never experienced this transition in you, they may be pleasantly surprised if they are on your team or a employee/member in your organization. However, you should know that, once the mission and goals have been accomplished, you're quite satisfied to return to being the thinker and sensitive communicator.

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Communication Tips

People who have a predominantly Left-brain Abstractthinking style thrive on careful analysis of all pertinent factors before making any decisions. Their style is naturally systematic and detail-oriented, characterized by the pursuit of logic, predictability and discipline. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. They tend to stick to the rules and stay within the confines of their orderly world.

When communicating with a Left-brain Abstract person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their passion for logical analysis to be ponderous or overly pedantic at times, but if you keep an open mind, their conclusions could be beneficial to you. In situations where you must collaborate on a project or a plan, their tendency to stick to the rules can be limiting to your own creative visions. Present your optional ideas as logical alternatives worthy of consideration. They may appear distant and aloof at times, as they prefer to listen rather than talk. Don't take this personally or assume they're arrogant. Remember that they're absorbing and processing information before they render an opinion. They can be a valuable source of background or historical information, which you sometimes tend to overlook while you aim for the "big picture." Nevertheless, expect them to provide more details than you might care for.

People who have a predominantly Right-brain Concrete thinking style thrive on interacting with people and being the center of attention. They inspire others with their charm and warm personality. They can read other people very easily and use their intuitive skills to adapt effortlessly to changing situations. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. They often speak without spending too much time thinking about what to say.

When communicating with a Right-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    At times, you might find their ebullient need to be the center of attention to be overpowering or annoying. Like therapists, they can sometimes encourage you to open up and confide with them about personal problems or concerns you have. You're usually okay with this, as long as they don't pry too deeply or push their solutions too strongly. As much as you think before you speak, they think by speaking. They are excellent at exciting and persuading others to follow their suggestions. Even if they don't take logic or factual data into account, they may come up with innovative or imaginative ideas that are worthy of your consideration. Since you both like to come up with ideas, the verbal interaction can be both personally rewarding and productive. They may not share your visionary creativity, but they often have an intuitive sense of what is most suited for you. They can sometimes seem manipulative in getting their way. While you might find their personal charm and charisma irresistible, don't allow yourself to be swayed in a direction that you know is not right for you.

People who have a predominantly Left-brain Concrete thinking style are action-oriented and thrive on challenge. As movers of people and organizations, they enforce rules, focus on goals, meet deadlines, and demand immediate action. They typically avoid getting bogged down in details and want to go directly to the bottom line. They prefer short and easy action-items or conclusions. They are decisive people who want to get things done quickly and efficiently.

When communicating with a Left-brain Concrete person, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    You might find their style at times overbearing or in some cases, even intimidating. As a result, you're likely to interact with them only as much as absolutely necessary. When it comes to solving problems, they view feelings or abstract concepts as intrusions that prevent them from reaching a firm conclusion. You'd be better off not allowing your feelings to become too much of an issue. On the other hand, your feelings about certain situations are paramount to your comfort level, so don't be afraid to let them know how important that is to you. There might be times that you will feel they are pushing too hard to get you to make a final decision. On the other hand, you might be struggling with all the options you're considering and could benefit from their decisive nature. Don't be offended by their direct talk if it seems abrupt ? they are goal-oriented people who know how to get things done.

When communicating with another Left-brain Concrete, you are likely to experience the following characteristics:

    Like you, they tend to be visionary thinkers who look at the big picture and try to understand how things relate to each other. They value creative, inspirational options as much as you do. They can usually provide interesting alternatives that would be worth your while to consider. At times, however, you might become a bit irritated with their tendency to go off on tangents when you're trying to focus on a particular issue of concern. With the tendency you both have to procrastinate while exploring your options, one of you will need to refocus your energies on making a decision when the need to accomplish something arises. You are both open-minded and feelings-oriented. Together, you are likely to create a relaxed, low-key atmosphere based on trust and good rapport. Remember to be patient with their quiet, reflective nature; just like you, they may be thinking of other options that are more suitable for you or for themselves. Ultimately, you both need to feel comfortable with how your decisions fit into your world.


Using the Concluder style of learning can create stress for you. Yes, you can use it for short periods of time as a learning or production tool. But, the longer you use it, the more stressed you become. Your energy-focus, which accesses this particular process, may be blocked sometimes. It's as if you have a blind spot in this part of your repertoire. You just don't like to have to use it as a primary tool. The following is what may create stress for you if used for more than short time periods:
Always trying to be in control of or in charge of everything and everyone Insisting on asking the question, "What is the objective of doing this?" and immediately taking action to accomplish it Making sure everything you attempt is based on concrete, realistic and linear steps Being concise about everything you think, learn or do ("less is more") Demanding that efficiency be a constant motivator and goal Being the highest achiever and one of the most successful people at all costs

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Ask a friend, family member, or colleague to take the
assessment and compare their results with yours. You will
be able to understand each other like never before.

My Interests

forced bulletin, do not read

why must i post this for it to add to my profile :( lame

I'd like to meet:

alia the greattori amos, chris rock, suzanne vega, johnny depp (if i could manage not to jump his bones immediately, he has a lovely wife...) drew barrymore, jay from project runway, the family i have in frace, eddie izzard, shirley mcclaine, madonna and her brilliant husband. *update, met eddie izzard, i'll just go take care of the rest of them now...


Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence
Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes.
You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.
You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it.
Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.

You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?


i love movies spanglish charlie and the chocolate factory ocean's twelve fear and loathing in las vegas to start...


Your Psyche is Violet
You are spiritual, intuitive, and serene.
People trust you to rescue them from bad situations, and you usually come through.
While you are quite enlightened, you find that your path is very lonely.

When you are too violet: you can't connect to ordinary life or ordinary people

When you don't have enough violet: you lack wisdom and can't learn from the past What Color Is Your Psyche?


i have a lot of heroes. most of them are celebrities or great political leaders. politically: malcom x, ghandi, martin luther king jr, amy goodman, the suffragists; celebrity: tori amos, robert smith, george carlin, chris rock, eddie izzard, tom petty, johnny depp and other than that, the strong beautiful women in my life continue to be my heroes: my mother, my grandmothers, my cousins and aunts, my friends crystal, lisa, andrea, olive, anne, emily, sophia, nechelle, angela, lily, meggy, mariya, kim, rita, sasha, all through my memory are women who inspire me to the great passion of existance.

My Blog

fire sick

some small ember thrownabsent minded from myover desirous heart alitnew huge burning flames justnorth of the city andbarely missing my i am sick from the ash and smokethick air and dense tho...
Posted by alia the great on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 08:40:00 PST

transcript of the final debate.

i thought it was great how mccain kept ribbing obama for NOT drilling for oil in alaska. i was like RIGHT, thats EXACTLY why i am NOT voting for you, you douf.obama was clear and loud with his talk a...
Posted by alia the great on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 08:23:00 PST

power and corruption

i think there will always be power and it will always lead to corruption, but it is important, i feel, to maintain perspective and orientation around that corruption.i think that focusing on what can ...
Posted by alia the great on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 01:58:00 PST

angry jealous mean

yup thats how i am feeling today, angry, jealous and mean.but i hate anger, jealousy and meanness, so i smoke pot and pretend i am someone else. sabotage my own life cause i don't have the guts to ha...
Posted by alia the great on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 03:41:00 PST

frustrated with frustrations

is this all there is?is this why we struggle and muddle and strife?to get to the next set of struggles and strifes?we lay down the groundworks of husbands and wivesand relay the downturn of remade div...
Posted by alia the great on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:35:00 PST

the word from naomi klein

A Note from NaomiI wrote The Shock Doctrine in the hopes that it would make us all better prepared for the next big shock. Well, that shock has certainly arrived, along with gloves-off attempts to use...
Posted by alia the great on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:40:00 PST


knots so tight with youwe pulled so hard long agocan youloosen your grip now?release those tight tendons downslip the long fall to kindness for me?do you remember?do you remember when your soft words ...
Posted by alia the great on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 12:13:00 PST

memory boxes

three angels for crystaltwo candles for krismy great grandfather's peacockmy fathers maskteacups and knick nacksthe souls of the dead and the livingmade by mixed memoriesand baked broad into boxesstor...
Posted by alia the great on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 01:32:00 PST

the needers

they come on meand suck off meand need need needthe ruckus creedsput holes in mereharness meand hassle merelentlesslythey need youor a cigaretteor pot orto rearchitectthe greedthat has no hornets nest...
Posted by alia the great on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:01:00 PST

its all fake

somebody somewhere made up a dollarand it was a nice ideajust like animal sacrificea nice ideawe'll try thatbut somewhere along the way we forgot we made it upjust like the gospelsand had us a crusade...
Posted by alia the great on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 06:50:00 PST