Doing movies and going on the Red Carpet.
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Alot of people I might be famous but I havent met everyone like my actual ..1 fan even though I heard it 100000000000000000 times!!!my sn is awsomebody22003..I LOVE PICTURE COMMENT LOTS OF THEM!! .. width="425" height="350" ..
Jeff Buckley,Beck,Jurassic5,Ben Harper,Bob Dylan,Coldplay
Pirates of the Caribbean survay
What is your name? pirate name/William Turner
When is your birthday? MY birthday is Jan.13
Who is your favorit pirate? umm...Captain Jack
What is your favorite ship? Intercepter..the black pearl is curised
Have you ever...
Been in love? yeps
Worn a corest I AM NOT A GIRL
Stolen a ship yeps
Exploded something yeps
Been coursed nopes
Had your ship taken nopes
Said Jack Sparow rather than Captin Jack Sparow yeps then corrected myself
Killed a person other than a pirate? yeps in Troy and kingdom of heaven and more
Seen Davy Jones? yeps
Goten drunk and sang pirate songs yeps off the set oooo
Been marroned yeps
Preformed mutany whats that??
Been eaten by canibals? whats that?
Do you...
Enjoy rum nope other alchol shhhh
Have a pirate name, if so what is it? I dont know
Beleve in ghost storys? yeps
Concider yourself to be a pirate? I wish I didnt see arrrrrrr
Want an apple? na I am eating pizza but maybe apple pie
Agree that not all treaasure is silver and gold? yeps my pupus are tresure and arent gold or silver
Like Jack the monkey beter than Jack the pirate? yeps shhhhh
Are you obsesed with treasure? nopes
What is your favorite pirate saying? arrrrrr,no POTC2 I cant leave without Jack,never mind lets go
Ummmm.POTC,Stand By Me,Superman,The Hustler and the French
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