The Ralph Tresvant Experience profile picture

The Ralph Tresvant Experience

About Me

Welcome to. . .
"The Ralph Tresvant Experience"

While this may appear to be another MySpace area devoted to "Ralph Tresvant," it is, in fact, something quite different. The goal is to capture the smooth, sexy, sophisticated style that Ralph embodies — the essence of Rizz, himself — and create "An Experience" for those who are in need of a place to chill, relax, and chat. . .possibly after a hard day at work.Upon entering The Ralph Tresvant Experience, you will find that the mood is mellow; the mind-set — mature; the music — mesmerizing.So when there is a need to slow down, unwind and be soothed, let yourself reach an even deeper level of sophistication and relaxation. . .consider The Ralph Tresvant Experience.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd Like To Meet:

Those in search of Relaxation and Stimulating Conversation.

Wanna Chat?

To chat with other visitors of this page, send a message through this profile requesting the password, and click on the link below to enter the chat room:

Enter The Sensitivity Suite

Wanna Relax?

To relax and listen to some continuous Smooth R&B and Classic Soul (Gospel on Sunday), click on the link below:

Enjoy The Quiet Storm

Sensitive . . . Suave . . . Soulful

Ralph Tresvant - Do What I Gotta Do

"It's hard for me to put in words how I really feel about what music and fans have done for me. All the dreams that I have had are slowly coming true because of you. I can honestly say I am inspired by my fans. You make me work harder, longer and keep my mind dedicated to being the best I can be. Nobody knows for sure how long they're going to be around and kicking in this business, and if tomorrow I'm not still on the top of the charts, I hope I'll always be on your minds and in your hearts!"

-- Ralph E. Tresvant, 1988


For a continuation of RT's Smoothness, check him out at the following locations:
OR — OR —




Smooth, Sexy, Sophisticated


Your title goes Here
Let's Make Sure
the Mood is Right. . .

Try a Little Candlelight

Couples' Corner __________

Experience love and romance from a couple's perspective. Check out the "Flashback Duet of the Week," and allow the sophisticated soul to take you back. . .
