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About Me

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I am a cat from London. My owners found me one night (around X-Mas time) in Sinclair Road, London, where I was left behind into a carbon box , I was just one week old so I'm told. I had a sister but she was given away to their friends. I met her one day but could not recognize her. ( all cats look strange to me)I am called Rascal and live up to me name for sure!I traveled quite a bit for a cat . I lived in London , my birth-town , moved to Amsterdam where I caught quite a bit of mice .( most came away unharmed since my owners interfered) and now I live in Leipzig where I have lots of space to roam around. The first time I saw a big garden was here in Leipzig and was quite a shock for me, I thought I was released into a jungle or something.....Now I am quite used to the grounds and kick every other cat out if I can help it.

My Interests

Eating , sleeping , scratching stuff I am not allowed to , sleep some more, walk in front of the feet of my owners , blocking doorways, even where there is ample space for me to sit elsewhere.Shedding hairs on couches or any space which is just cleaned. Begging for breakfast even when I am not hungry. Staring in peoples eyes to make them nervous. I still not managed to hypnotize people but one of these days I will succeed!

I'd like to meet:

Other interesting cats , not Straycats or the like , they make awfull noises


CLAN OF XYMOX but in general I hate music since my owners play it all the time. When they play music I just go into my crazy spell and run around , anything really in order to distract them from listening music. After all I want to be the center of attention!! Normally I prefer peace and quiet , I am a cat after-all, I have to concentrate on funny sounds, like scratching, or other odd sounds etc. Most of the time I hear these sounds is when my owners attempt to lure me and convince me I should get some exercise by running after a fake fish or something. When I get this fake orange fish I slaughter it , that's for sure!DO YAH LIKE THE TRACK THEN SCRATCH THE BUTTON : .. "


Of Mice and Man, King Rat , Cat On A Hot Tin Roof , Cat People, Garfield, Monster Inc, Felix the Cat, Top Cat , Nemo , A Fish Called Wanda , Rumble Fish , La Grand Boeuf, E.T., The Smurfs, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, Flipper , Daktari , Lion King, The Bear, White Fang , Star Track Second Generation ( featuring Spot)


I used to watch TV when I thought I could fish out food from a commercial but I gave up , so no more tv, it makes me hungry


Can You eat that? Exactly !! ..
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Get this video and more at MySpace.com -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from MySpace.com -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!


Clint Eastpuss , I wished I could be as cool as him, I get scared of just about anything and of course Garfield , I can recognize the similarity in lifestyle , although lasagna I do not like.......favorite game :.. Myspaceparnks.com - Games for MyspaceYes, make that apple tree grow, so I can jump in it !!

My Blog

I`m bored !!

Posted by Rascal on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 05:10:00 PST