Tekir&Abigail-we lubb our furiends! profile picture

Tekir&Abigail-we lubb our furiends!

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Tekir, and I'm a 7 year old tabby cat who loves everyone! I was born in August of 2000. I live with my sister, Abby(or Abigail Frances is what momma calls her when she's in trouble. Frances was mommy's grandma's middle name). Abby is 7 too, just a couple of months older than I am. She was born in May of 2000. I actually have a pretty interesting story to tell. My mom visited Istanbul, Turkey back in the summer of 2000 for 10 days. My sister Sofya ran out onto the sidewalk, starving, in front of a carpet store and my mom fell in love with her. She scooped her up, and walked next door to the carpet store to this little cafe and asked this man if the cat belonged to him. The man said no, you can have her but please take the brother too(that was me!). My mom put us both in a Miller Genuine Draft box and proceeded to haul us around Turkey for the remainder of her trip to see the Whirling Dervishes, the Aya Sofya mosque, the Bogazici University, and the huge street bazaars. She called us both "kedi" for a few days until she could think of names for us. "Kedi" is the Turkish word for cat, "Tekir" is the Turkish word for tiger, and "Sofya" was named for the Aya Sofya mosque. She met a nice veterinarian there named Ahmet, who gave us shots, formula and helped take good care of us. My mom smuggled us onto the plane and tried to fly us back with her, but British Airways had a no pets policy that was inflexibly rigid, so after a screaming match with the British Airways flight attendants and almost getting herself arrested, she gave us back to Ahmet the Vet, who cared for us for 4 months, then flew us to California. We even had our own passports with pictures! We arrived in December of 2000 and met our new sister Abigail. She hissed at Sofya and me just once, but after that we all became furriends. Sofya was a cute little escape artist who liked to get out and roam around on occasion. Unfortunately, she didn't come back home after her last getaway in June of 2002...but she's no doubt being very well cared for somewhere here in the Bay Area! She was too cute to not get snatched up. We all still talk about her all the time and miss her a lot! As for me, I love my life here in California! Momma and Daddy totally spoil me. I love Pounce treats, sleeping on Mom's pillow, I insist on only premium bottled water(better than the substandard TAP water mom tries to pawn off on me), tummy rubs, mom singing to me when she's tipsy after Happy Hour, chatting online, and lovely felines of the female variety, especially those with long hair. Abigail and I like to chase each other around the house and play. Abigail loves it when Momma turns on the shower, so she jumps on on the toilet and sits there waiting till Momma gets out. Abigail also has this weird plastic bag fetish, like the plastic bags you get from Safeway. She licks them constantly! Momma has to be careful not to leave them laying around so Abigail won't choke. I also get along with dogs pretty well! I used to live with a German shepherd named Buddy who would share his food with me and let me give him baths. My favorite thing to do when mom's not looking is to unroll the entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet bowl so she has to fish it out. That's a riot! She still can't seem to remember to shut the lid. Blondes . . . *sigh* Abigail and I also purr almost all of the time and we love to be cuddled! If there's an empty lap we want to be sitting in it! :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We would love to meet all the people around the world who helped get Tekir and Sofya over her on an airplane from Turkey

My Blog

Wow its been a long time..

Can't believe it's been so long since we've blogged!! First off, we just want to wish everyone the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years! Mom and Dad are doing just fine, we're enjoyin...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 10:22:00 GMT

DAILY FURRIEND BLOG for Monday, March 31, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT:Dear Furriends, we have enjoyed doing the Daily Furriend furry furry such since it began last summer.  It has been fun getting to know fun things about each other and doing funny pic...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:10:00 GMT

Mom and Dads wedding!

Hi furriends! So our humans are off to Lake Tahoe today...GETTING MARRIED tomorrow!!!! Just this morning, we did received the CD for internet install in the mail so we should be up and running again n...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 22:55:00 GMT

Hi Furriends! No internet yet...

Hi Furriends! Well..Mom and Dad relocated us again and this time we’re staying put for several months if not a year or so. Our internet cd still hasnt’ arrived yet so we have no internet!!...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 18:06:00 GMT

So it’s been another long, tough week but we’re excited!

Hello dear friends! Well, we had an unexpected absence from the Daily Furriend Blog on Friday morning! We do apologize and the blog will return tomorrow. It was Tekir's fault really.  He sometime...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 18:06:00 GMT

TAGGED by Cian and Griff...about our Mommy!

This one is a little different, so here are the rules. Each player starts with ten random facts/habits about their mommy! People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their own ten things ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:12:00 GMT

Wedding update!

Hi Furriends,We haven't blogged much about the wedding planning so we thought we'd catch you up! Mommy and daddy got engaged 2 months ago today, and they set a date to get married March 22 in Lake Tah...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 20:28:00 GMT

The move-hissing and pissing in Tekirs words!

Hi Furriends! WOW We can not believe we finally moved!! Mommy, Daddy all da fishes and the two us us are under 1 roof again for the first time since December!!! Saturday morning, Mom and Dad got the m...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 20:07:00 GMT

Our Humans are engaged!

Hi Furriends! We have wonderful news! Our humans are engaged!!! Daddy popped the question to Mommy this morning before she left for her first day of work.  They were both crying and laughing at t...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 21:16:00 GMT

Giving Thanks(in place of the Daily Furriend Blog)

Good morning furriends, and Happy Thanksgiving! In celebrating today with lots of food, wine, friends, family, perhaps rowdy board games, and football let us keep in our hearts the memory of those hum...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 08:51:00 GMT