Writing, stories, poetry, and bullshit..art, painting, abstarct, acrylic, drawing, batik, textiles, collage, colours, decorating, photoshop, all theatre and smiley faces in my cereal.... reading, everything robert irwin, pirates, research, my stories... horror, movies, music, coffee, magic, Pirates, and way loads more!
Robert Irwin, Layne Staley, HIM, Silverchair
On myspace.....anyone....MWAH!!!
Got some pretty funky bands in my myspace friends...
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Srv and hendrix - Image Hosting
Jersey Local Bands kick unsigned ass!
HIM! Silverchair, Alice in chains, Adam Green, Mika, counting crows, googoo dolls, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Trivium, A7X, Tenacious D, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Gnarls Barkley, Elvis, Mozart, Coldplay, Elavigor, Jacksons Moody, Juliette and the Licks, Levellers, Sinead O'conner, Green Day, Adema, Coheed & Cambria, Creed, Deftones, The Smiths, The Kinks, The Beatles, The Verve, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Lit, Lost Prophets, My Chemical Romance, Nickelback, POD, Pantera, Rammstein, Good Charlotte, Home Grown, Lacuna Coil, Santana, Slayer, Slipknot, Spineshank, Spineshank, Disturbed, Nile, coldplay, travis...
J'adore Layne Staley de Alice In Chains, Oh he died...oh shit in hell! No you lie, evil c*nts! He actually lives on the second floor, above my humble abode and frequently lectures all the local bands on how to be so fucking great!...oh yeah !
My Favourites...
Devils Rejects,
House of 1000 Corpses,
Dogville ,
Mirror Mask,
2001 Maniacs,
Dangerous Liasons,
Saw 1 and 2 and 3,
Moulin Rouge,
The Notebook,
Pretty Persuasion,
Smoking Aces,
Van Wilder,
Brothers Grimm,
I love that 70's show, got loads on dvd i watch over and over cos i hate terestrial tv, ugly betty is pretty funny, friday night project is great-i love the tubby one with the hair, i got all black books dvds funny as hell...
My Favourites...
Satan Wants Me by Robert Irwin, Exquisite Corpse by Robert Irwin, I am actually obsessed with this writer, i dont know how anybody couldnt be, but i spose you aint all as open minded as I...
Rule of Four by someone, this is just a really cool book, a million times better than da vinci code!
Sophies World by someone.
Stranger by Albert Camus, i love albert camus soooo much, he's a writer from that writing rebelion just after the war writing about the shitty state of the Bourgeoise.
Veronica Decides To Die by paolo Coehlo
The Mind Control Of Candy Jones by somebody, this is real cool, a true story about this lady who got married and her husband hypnotised her and found out that for twelve years of her life she worked for the cia and she didnt even know, f'n amazing!
and many many more...
Jack black Bam Margera Mitch Hedberg andROBERT IRWIN!!!
Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com