Unwilling to compromise his creative output, Fisto managed to elude that great whore fame as he refered to commercial success throughout his long and colorful career. This is a bit of a feat considering that upon his death, in a Greyhound Terminal locker in Cavalier, "The Friendly City" North Dakota, A fan found tapes and master recordings that rivaled the Grateful Deads entire live tapeing catalog. The fan was quoted as saying "And its all Good".
Late in the summer of 2004,Fisto T. Clowns remains were recovered from the bathroom of a Meth Lab/Mobile home outside of Missoula Montana. He was trapped in the bathroom on the toilet with a bottle of Everclear when the lab violently combusted. His grimacing face with the red rubber nose permanently fused to his skull was "One of the Damnedest things I ever saw" according to the local coroner Zeb Slewinski. "There he sat ,Just like the KING, Dead in the most compromising of positions".
Fisto was Staying with a friend awaiting his annual MC gig at The 21rst annual "Testicle Festival" where He was MC for several years running when this unfortunate accident occured. The festival was a scene of open mourning and alot of head scratching.
Well, The intellegensia of music culture should no longer scratch thier collective heads as now these recordings are being released in limited numbers to satieate the hearts,minds and ears of those whom loved Fisto and Crisco Fist and is sure to win converts to the twisted world of Fisto. RIP Fisto and may the unforgiving ears of Steve Albini never hear your sounds.
For more information on the Testicle Festival go to: http://www.testyfesty.com/
A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
Proverbs xii. 10.
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