Emilianna profile picture


Love to hate me... Hate to love me!!!!!

About Me

Well, the first time I tried myspace, I got booted off for pictures that were too graphic. So this time I better keep it PG. Anyway, I'm Emilianna and I live in LA LA Land, no literally. L.A. is a place were anything goes and them some, and I absolutely love it. I have met the best of friends here, have family that I love very much here, and hope to continue on doing the things I love to do here. I'm a very open an outgoing person and find myself always being the life of the party. So I guess you can say I love life and live it like every day is my last, for you do not what tomarrow will bring:) I love sex, cars, rockn' roll and everything that goes along with that. I've been known to take a ride in the almost famous tour bus quit a few times. ( I love you Full Scale! ) I make my living by striking a pose and using those great acting skills I have mainly for Playboy, Hustler, and Vivid Entertainment;)
Check me out at:
New web site coming soon
I have an obsession for my fast car, my Chanel sunglass collection, my Louis Vuitton purse collection, and my love, Lola, the cutest Chihuahua in the whole entire world. ( No joke ) No, I'm not stuck up, I just work hard and love the good life. Anyone who judges, can get F***ed!!! I love my fans, but please don't ask me stupid questions cause you will get stupid answers. Also, I've been kicked off before so keep it clean. MMMUUUAAAHHH!!!

My Interests

Good people, good music, and good times.

I'd like to meet:

The Pope, so I can bathe in his holy water:)


Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Erasure, The Cure, Morissey, OMD, New Order, Deftones, The Killers, My Chemical Romance, VHS or BETA, Full Scale, Butterfly Effect, Karnivol...Shit my brain hurts, I can't name them all.


All the ones I've been in. Hee Hee:)

Check me out at:

New web site coming soon


The Sopranos, CSI Miami, Sex in the City, The L Word, Footballers Wives, Hustle, South Park... Ok I think that's enough.


I have really bad ADD, so I may start one, but rarely do I finish. I"ll just wait for the movie.


My sister Jennifer... The most amazing person in the world.