Well, the first time I tried myspace, I got booted off for pictures that were too graphic. So this time I better keep it PG. Anyway, I'm Emilianna and I live in LA LA Land, no literally. L.A. is a place were anything goes and them some, and I absolutely love it. I have met the best of friends here, have family that I love very much here, and hope to continue on doing the things I love to do here. I'm a very open an outgoing person and find myself always being the life of the party. So I guess you can say I love life and live it like every day is my last, for you do not what tomarrow will bring:) I love sex, cars, rockn' roll and everything that goes along with that. I've been known to take a ride in the almost famous tour bus quit a few times. ( I love you Full Scale! ) I make my living by striking a pose and using those great acting skills I have mainly for Playboy, Hustler, and Vivid Entertainment;)
Check me out at:
New web site coming soon
I have an obsession for my fast car, my Chanel sunglass collection, my Louis Vuitton purse collection, and my love, Lola, the cutest Chihuahua in the whole entire world. ( No joke ) No, I'm not stuck up, I just work hard and love the good life. Anyone who judges, can get F***ed!!! I love my fans, but please don't ask me stupid questions cause you will get stupid answers. Also, I've been kicked off before so keep it clean. MMMUUUAAAHHH!!!