I want to meet everyone. I like having unique people in my life that surprise me everytime and make me fall to the floor laughing. People that defy stereotypes and go against the norm are amazing. Those that have a passion for what they do and strive to do their best are who I want to meet...
Hackers, Snatch.Seven.Lock Stock & Two Smokin Barrel, Dobberman, Layer Cake, The Usual Suspect, Sett it Off, L.O.T.R, Harry Potter, Kill Bill, 13th Warrior, King Arthur, The Last Samurai, Matrix, X-Men, Closer, My Private Own Idaho, Catch Me If U Can, Soldier's Girl, Transpotting, Alexander The Great, Constantine ...n more
Friends,CSI,Oprah,Desperate Housewives,Nip/Tuck,Brother n Sister,Reality tv shows,documentary...
I read a lot when I was little and not so much in present times, yet again im fussy about what and when I read as it needs to serve a purpose to me in respect of me futhering my knowledge and personal skills...So for now it would be books along those lines. There were sum books I was to have and no other...those Sidney Sheldon, Dale Carnegie........
It will alwiz be my FANTASTIC PARENTS!!!!!!!!aND one MORE PERSON OUT THERE..u know who you are babe!!!!.. ..