www.poabstyle.com wwww.poabstyle.comIn all this world of confusion, lust, manipulation, greed and self-destruction my prayers were answered. The Lord provided me exactly what I wanted in a time of all these states with in myself. A true beauty, Melissa Leslie, was a gift from above. Talented, artistic dope, beautiful in and out I mean GOD hooked me up with more than I asked for! Never a dull moment. There is always peace that can be found in my baby doll carrot cake doll face. I thank the Lord all the time for this gift. I grew from a boy to a true man while we sharpened each other and held each other accountable to the word of God. I’m telling you folks put the Lord first and pray for what you want and he will provide. Also understand that the gift He has given you is not to be taken for granted. It's to be cherished everyday. The beautiful women of my dreams Melissa Leslie what a true angel! I have alot to understand and yet to learn. I am sooo happy to have this queen to call my own!
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Art is a ever-changing description of ones mentality using diffrent meduiums to depict what the self conscious perceives the world, people and emotions to be. My greatist insperation was my mom as an artist that led me to become the artist that I am today. My work depicts the flawed as beautiful to strike a cord in the mentality of the majority. I use everything that can make a mark on a surface that will help capture what my mind is trying to say. These thoughts flow instintaneoustly from one frame to the next in a galxy of slides runing in my head to evoke thoughts through painting ideas. I paint to evoke not when provked. Maney minds only do when provoked thorught the consumission of every day media. which idealy are spread across these air waves to keep us dumb fat and ready to slughter. Feeding the flesh in a worldy manner to corupt and decay the spirit and beautiful mind. So I feel my expressions are limited to capture with just the physical mediums that are shared of the world. Amongst man made idaoligies and corupted wiked ways I try and seprate my self and convey that of my spirituaal foundation. my art is evolving as i grow in wisdome to know what it is to be a loving man, a reflection of Jesus and his word that up lifts my spirit. So Jesue is my paint my caanves my ideas when living acording to his word. Amongst all his beaiful a fast creations Im mearly dust...I am a grain of sand on a beach trying to make myself known through reflecting the sun off my my sand shaped bodey.Currently my works display a common struggle to be set free. as my own philosophy in life has been turned against me and restrained from the vary thing I speak against...not being free being bounded to a mask and a desk to be held in the oder of life bounded by bills dept and the American way.I just want my art to brake the routine of the 9 to 5 mentality. To get them to think of a thought they would not have in that day from ubserbibng my art. Weather its a bad thought a good one I want the art to provek them to evoke otheres to brake the cycle.Poab style is an art driven life style brand that conveys the beauty of human talent and its vary exsistance. This unique line touches bases through all culture with deep meassages and a grity delivery.Although poabstyle took sometime to refresh and lay down a foundation in building a site and new art Quinones has maintained Poab since 1995. Poab Style is deep rooted from the souther life in wich he was raised to the popular west cost, North and east cost. Its a flavor that is taking the trendsetters by storm."We are all products of Artistic Beuaty and what we offer to this world is also POAB. Its what we choose to say, do and produce on a daily basis.
My name is Benjamin Daniel Quinones, I was born in 1979 in Santurse, Puerto Rico. I have been submerged in art for as long as I can remember. My mother surrounded me with art at an early age. She painted and did crafts as I was growing up and sold her pieces on the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico. We later moved to Houston, Texas when I was very young. My mother kept my interest in art while I was growing up. This is to whom I owe my talents to. During my early youth at schools, I received many awards for my work. I won an award receiving critical acclaim from the state capital of Texas for one of my pieces which hung in the capital for many months. I was named "Artist of the Year" during my junior and senior years in high school. Also, while attending high school, my work was put on display year around for the whole school to see. I was published in the school newspaper for regards of my artistic abilities and my accomplishments as an artist in my school. I won a competition held at my high school for an animal book cover and it went in to mass production. Later, I attended college for a year and a half at The Art Institute of Houston studying graphic design and soon after, decided that I wanted to expand my knowledge in art in a different state. I felt hindered and needed a new outlet in which my creative process as a designer and painter could grow. I moved to Boston and studied painting while working at the museum of Fine Arts in Boston. My talent was called upon and I was commissioned by the Emerson Majestic Theater to paint a back drop for the play "Moses". I also performed and danced for the theatrical event. In addition, I helped troubled youth with other artists displaying our arts through words, art, and dancing in hopes that they would find these elements as an outlet rather than crime. After living in Boston for a year, I moved to New York and attended the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan to study graphic design. My painting was picked to represent the School of Visual Arts and hung in a gallery. During the summer break I visited Florence, Italy and submerged myself in the Florentine style of art. I studied the ways of the masters in hopes of gaining more knowledge of art and its history as a whole. After attending the School of Visual Arts for a year I moved to San Francisco and was accepted to the Academy of Art San Francisco, but soon realized that I could accomplish more by living closer to Los Angeles, California so moved to Huntington Beach and later received a job as an apparel designer for DC Shoes Inc. While moving and attending schools in these different places I also managed to develop and own my own companies Poabdesign.com and Poabstyle an apparel division of paobdesign.com. I have worked with many artist clubs and companies from Houston, New York, Boston and California. I helped in developing CD covers, posters, logos brochures, flyers, corporate identification, etc. for all my clients. I also sell and distribute t-Shirts by poabstyle to local clubs and people through the internet. With all my experience I still have much more to learn. I feel that my art work has developed a feel of its own due to all the different experiences I have encountered living in a variety of environments. I have learned from all artists like cartoonists, graffiti artists, classical, modern and the list goes on. I will be attending a school in California after gaining residence. I will be studying fine arts and animation when the time comes. I want to be able to keep on the move and study art to expand my growth as an artist.