fill-up profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

what you see is what you get... special dark chocolate! and you can catch me on Medic 1 on the 3rd watch.

My Interests

crunchy spam & eggs (over easy)w/ketchup over asian rice, sushi, mango-a-go-go, greeen tea, rockyroad/doubledarkchocolate/fudgebrownie icecream, etc... as you can see, my fat ass LOVES GOOD ASS FOOD! (but not ass food, per say)

I'd like to meet:

the guy behind the guy, behind the guy...


"makin' babies music"


"I guess you can say we're getting pretty serious, we chat online for about 2-3 hours everyday, so I guess you can say we're getting pretty serious."




"they mostly come out at night, mostly!"

My Blog

new wish list!!!

here it is!!!! 1.) world peace 2.) end hunger 3.) eliminate illegal drug use 4.) stop crime 5.) for my loved ones and friends to live long, happy lives!
Posted by fill-up on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 09:35:00 PST