i'm an irritable 80 year old man... in the body of a 20 year old.
i am doctor cox.
... the coxster.
a bastard filled bastard with bastard icing on top with bastard shaped bastards in a bastard bowl surounded by bastards.
I don't know what to say, i'm my very own worst critic, and whatever i write i'm gunna end up thinking i sound like a cunt.
Well it's fashionable to be a cunt these days right? When i look through myspace and i see profiles with descriptions of their character pretty much dancing with joy to the idea of being an obnoxious asshole, it kind of makes me second guess the downside of genocide.
I might just be in a bad mood because i'm still feeling the after effects of having my nuts slammed through my back, but i just haven't got the time for people who find themselves flicking their bean while identifying themselves as obnoxious, pretentious, sycophantic cunts.