Tripp profile picture


Sorry I put those words in your mouth, but you wouldn't talk to me...

About Me

I'm Tripp and I've played bass in the punk band The Unseen for the past 15 years or so. My life as a musician has been the most money draining, eye opening, and heart wrenching, yet all around most exciting existence one could imagine. And 'cause life in our band has had far more up’s and downs than most people’s experiences I recently took the time to write a book about our many adventures as a band: all our triumphs and failures, good times and near death experiences are all recounted in its pages.If stories about a hard working band living hand to mouth and seeing the world all while trying in vain to avoid run ins with the police, thugs, and bankruptcy interests you then you’ll want to buy this book now from this page. Plus for you non readers there is an audio version featuring me reading the whole damn thing. That’s right, illiterates rejoice 'cause you can get a copy of So This Is Readin’? as a fucking ‘book on CD’, 4 disc collection! Look out Henry Rollins ‘cause there’s a new self obsessed, tattooed asshole on the spoken word scene.Its $10, plus $3 shipping and handling, so $13 all together for either the book or CD. For all foreign customers, please go to,, or to make your order. Of course you can still get the book or audio version from me directly, but the websites I mentioned have better over seas shipping than I do which means you’ll save money. (If you’re a non US order and still want the book from me, please email me first for postage rates).If you want to buy the book in a store I know Hot Topic carries it nationally, and if that doesn’t work for you try going to where ever you buy books or CD’s (music stores will carry the book) and ask for it. Chances are the store will have to special order it, tell the clerk it’s distributed via Hopeless records, and maybe they can get it for you. That’s about it; I hope you enjoy it… Oh and look out, because there might be a pop quiz on chapter 7-8 next time The Unseen comes through your town. Read up now so I don’t have to flunk your ass!
Book order: Spoken word CD order:
“You’ve read ‘GET IN THE VAN’ by Henry Rollins, well now its time to get out of that van, and push it up hill to the closest gas station ‘cause you’ve blown the transmission… again. That’s what “So This Is Readin?” is all about, a REAL band working REAL hard. The book reads like Unseen’s music; brutally honest, fast paced, and in your face. But unlike so much punk music of the day Tripp’s words never seem to loose sight of the importance of keeping your sense of humor, even in the face of adversity. The band’s bassist, a self proclaimed master of “illiterature” (writing for those who think they don’t like to read), relives every detail of the band’s sorted history, and through his writing manages to capture all the glory and failure, fun and heart break that accompanies life in a struggling punk band. “So This Is Readin’?” will show you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about how some independent bands live on the road, all without subjecting yourself to any of the starving, brushes with death, or foul aromas that are a daily part of life on tour. You’ve been warned…"
-some book critic guy, that most likely none of you have ever fucking heard of.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who give away money.




I like the talkies, even if they did kill vauldville.


rots your brain. but when stoned i often find myslef enjoying: the simpsons, sienfield, the sox and the pats...


johnny got his gun. outsiders.P boy's SNL book. monster.hitch hiker's guide. pillars of the earth. war and remeberance. archie's double digest


I prefer my heros to be of the super variety.

My Blog

soggy porn

all right I'm taking a break from music/punk themed writing because I need a change of pace. So to add some diversity to the ol' blog resume here's a piece I wrote about another pa...
Posted by Tripp on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:41:00 PST

Punk rock horoscopes!

here's a real silly thing i wrote for a real silly magazine called 'punk rock confidential'. Anyone who has ever read it knows how dumb a 'read' it is, but they also know how it's secretly addict...
Posted by Tripp on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:18:00 PST

the 8 most influential records of my life

here's an article i worte for Loud Fast Rules a while back. To be honest it might have already been up on the unseen page a couple months ago, i don't really remeber, but either way I thoguht it'...
Posted by Tripp on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 09:30:00 PST

so you wanna be a rock star (Part 2)

Okay for most of you I assume you know that the following is a continuation of a longer article, and that to break up its length I posted the first half on the Unseen page. For those that didnt know t...
Posted by Tripp on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 03:37:00 PST

new LFR coloum from tripp

Hey guys, here's my latest piece for LFR. a little more on the serious side than some of my other work (or at least as serious as I get) but an important issue non the less and one that...
Posted by Tripp on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:14:00 PST

a little more of the book...

Here's a brief part of the chapter that describes the recording of our first ever full length record, Lower Class Crucifixion& Chapter Four: The L.C.C Sessions After bouncing around New England and th...
Posted by Tripp on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 04:56:00 PST

a small sample of the first chapter of the book...

Here's a little taste of the book for those precious few people who are both unseen fans and semi-literate... just kidding kids, I know sarcasm doesn't translate well here and a few of you a...
Posted by Tripp on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 06:43:00 PST