CARNAL RAPTURE's BIOGRAPHYBack in 1992 the BAND got started under the name of INTERNAL BLEEDING by current members Emilio and Fabio along with drummer and bassist Ugo and Emiliano who completed the line up that delivered a year later the debut 4TRX"DEMO 93"and promoted it through several underground gigs. The tape fully expressed the earliest aims and aspirations of the BAND for playing what we would now call OLD SCHOOL DEATH METAL, obviously drawing direct inspiration from bands such as DEATH, OBITUARY, ATHEIST, DEICIDE, CARCASS, while on the other hand not denying the big influence the whole BAY-AREA THRASH movement was still having on THEM. Those acts were going to be the inevitable input which CARNAL RAPTURE combined and tempered the often immoderately naive roughness of primitive DM with.Following the monicker change into CARNAL RAPTURE, due to the casual homonymy with the more popular NY-based DM act, the BAND went to record their second tape the 2TRX"PROMO1994" which saw - apart from FABIO's departure with EMILIO taking place behind the mic (so definitively providing both singing and guitar playing from then on) and the coming of a second axeman, guitar wizard GIANNI, to enforce EMILIO's playing in a definitive double axe attack trim - a way more mature band that had already developed, despite the young age of it's members, a style of it's own and had managed to sum up the essential stylistic elements of the genre and combine them with relevant musicianship; a big gap actually separates the newer songs from those of the previous effort both in terms of focus on arrangement and less obsolete stylistic solutions not to mention the dramatic instrumental improvement also thanks to axeman GIANNI's joining their ranks.Despite the excellent reviews and a mostly enthusiastic response from the critics and fans, as well as quite a serious interest shown by labels (culminated with Gothenburg DM pioneer label BLACK SUN/DOLORES offering a record deal for a full length debut) the sudden decision of the drummer and the bassist to quit caused the band to split up, a quick replacement having not turned out useful enough for the survival of the BAND as the generous and competent help was offered and lent by sticksmen GIUSEPPE ORLANDO (NOVEMBRE) and FABIO COSTANTINO (current DGM drummer) in order to allow CARNAL RAPTURE to fulfil the terms of the aforementioned contract.The CARNAL RAPTURE's premature end seemed therefore irreversible, though leaving unexpressed, a big potential that's clearly witnessed by a consistent amount of unreleased new songs which easily topped the modestly copious and by comparison inadequate old ones. This new material was actually the serum that would bring the BAND back to life almost a decade later, a circumstance that occurred as new suitable musicians were found and so a line up left vacant for too long might be filled. It has to be said, though, that even after the BAND's official split-up, EMILIO and GIANNI had never really given up writing and jamming and had never stopped thinking they could give the BAND a second chance, the pair virtually going to make the essential cell from which to possibly restart the BAND. The first person to make this mere wish look more like a concrete perspective was the former vocalist FABIO, rejoining now as a bassist (the bass being his very first passion), and so granting the rhythmic support the duo needed. New drummer DANIELE was the last to enter the picture while hardly the least gifted musician to complete the new line up, considering what an incredible performer he is and how much this could allow the BAND to pursue what had in the meantime become it's new ambition: delivering a DM free of any obsolescent stylistic solutions in total despise of the most established common places of the genre while on the other hand attempting not to fall into the heresy of reckless and thoughtless experimentalism.
The musical result of such a theoretic manifesto is the self produced and self engineered 2TRX "PROMO 2004"CD which features an ensemble whose confidence in playing complex and tight music is effortlessly displayed through the total 10 minutes length of the songs, the vaguely conservative tones of which may recall those of DEATH and ATHEIST, but in truth, the elegant, solid and almost jazzy drumming combined with tangled and tight riffing establishes the BAND as a very hard act to label.
One thing is for sure: CARNAL RAPTURE definitely DO NOT belong to the lucky but often expressiveness-wise lacking race of blast beats DM acts raging in the METAL scene today, and hardly either fit in the melodic, "happy ending" mid-tempo DM category. CARNAL RAPTURE are NOT about switching from clean to evil singing or skipping from the rude to the kind mode every second verse and not even about blast beating your ears up to prove they can take a single stroke roll to the fastest. CARNAL RAPTURE are NOT about muddling the listener up with cheap tricks or freakin' him out with empty sensationalisms. CARNAL RAPTURE's aim is rather trying to squeeze out of the still virgin and rich mine of Metal the precious resources that still lay in the deepest underground and that the global conformism, musical minimalism, instrumental agnosticism and simplism, want us to believe already exhausted, preaching the banishment of virtuosism, spreading the germ of punk and so leading the Metal through decadence and anarchy; One thing is therefore essential in order to get the metal evolving once again: taking from external sources but lettin' in only those elements that appear not to be incompatible with gettin' bent into a Metal context.
All that, with the sole purpose of enriching and strengthening the stylistic canons of the genre by givin' em a new emphasis and projection, but not at the price of altering the original essence of it by playing the pointless game of crossovering for the sake of it .
CARNAL RAPTURE are currently working on brand new material as a result of a more direct involvement of drummer Daniele in the song writing process while in the meantime the BAND is looking for a courageous label to believe in their potential and to possibly sign 'em up.