BC Rich enthusiasts . . .
Please send pics and serial numbers of your BC Rich instruments to be included in a comprehensive BC Rich archive/database. This Archive/Database is NOT affiliated with HHI, the current corporate owners of the B.C Rich Company, but is an effort by BC Rich enthusiasts to gain information/knowledge about BC Rich instruments which either never existed or has been lost over the years and is no longer available in one place. Please help with this effort. All information concerning ownership of particular instruments will be kept strictly confidential and no owner information whatsoever is stored with database information in connection with your current or former instrument. With this information, I can also give you a good estimate of the build date of your instrument which may not be available from any other source.
ALSO . . . ANY PRESENT or FORMER BC Rich ENDORSEES please contact me with any interesting stories re your association with BC Rich . . . of particular interest is specs on your endorsee instruments, photos, experiences . . . let me be your storehouse of knowledge before time fades memories and pictures/instruments get lost, sold, forgotten, etc. . . .
FINALLY . . . as a result of my passion for Vintage B.C. Rich Instruments . . . I BUY AND SELL BCRs every week . . . I'm NOT a store or connected with any store, just a guy who loves these instruments . . . if you have something you want to SELL/TRADE/BUY . . . LET ME KNOW!!!!