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About Me

Hello there, my name is Basil Kitchener Haig Fawlty, and i am the owner of Fawlty Tower Hotel in Torquay. I run the hotel with my lovely wife Sybil.
I attended Swanage School for Boys, where I passed Woodwork, Arithmetic and History. Whilst not gifted academically, my school reports always said I was trying, in fact most of the school masters said I was very trying. I was also Captain of the school debating team — I like a good argument!
After leaving school I took up employment as a delivery boy for H. Briss Quality Butchers. Then I worked in a hotel learning the ropes of the hotel trade. Next I was in the catering corps in the Korean War. Then after that, I went back to the hotel trade until I met my wife Sybil and we opened Fawlty Towers.
Once i got 3 penalty points for speeding whilst having a duck in the front passenger seat without a seat belt. Look, I can explain. We were having a gourmet night, my hopeless staff let me down, as usual I had to try and rescue the situation. I was only a little over the limit, do you know who was waiting? Colonel and Mrs Hall and the Twitchens, that's who!
Ayway, enough about me, if you are ever in England and need somewhere to stay come to:
The Fawlty Towers Hotel
16 Elwood Avenue
The English Riviera
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My Interests

I have an extensive collection of coins, all British Empire of course. Don't tell the wife, but I also enjoy an occasional flutter on the old gee-gees. I also try and get myself involved in as many local groups as possible: rotary club, chamber of commerce, that sort of thing, not for the good of the community you understand; purely with the aim of appearing higher up the social ladder than what I really am. Wine is another hobby I try to indulge in at every opportunity, I really appreciate the boudoir of the grape — and I certainly know my Bordeaux from my clarets. Of course, I don't get nearly enough time as I'd like for these few pleasures in life, running Fawlty Towers is a full time job, I can't rely on the other cretins to help, without me it's difficult to imagine just where Fawlty Towers would be. A passion for the music of Brahms—when time permits—rounds off my leisure pursuits. Very cultured, I'm sure you'll agree?


Life of Brian, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, A Fish Called Wanda, Clockwork, and i do think James Bond films are rather spiffing!


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