I have an extensive collection of coins, all British Empire of course. Don't tell the wife, but I also enjoy an occasional flutter on the old gee-gees. I also try and get myself involved in as many local groups as possible: rotary club, chamber of commerce, that sort of thing, not for the good of the community you understand; purely with the aim of appearing higher up the social ladder than what I really am. Wine is another hobby I try to indulge in at every opportunity, I really appreciate the boudoir of the grape — and I certainly know my Bordeaux from my clarets. Of course, I don't get nearly enough time as I'd like for these few pleasures in life, running Fawlty Towers is a full time job, I can't rely on the other cretins to help, without me it's difficult to imagine just where Fawlty Towers would be. A passion for the music of Brahms—when time permits—rounds off my leisure pursuits. Very cultured, I'm sure you'll agree?
Life of Brian, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, A Fish Called Wanda, Clockwork, and i do think James Bond films are rather spiffing!
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