Everyone......For the speical person, someone that can make me laugh (people say that I am funny, so I guess me asking for some sense of humor isn't too much). This part is a real truth: I would rather getting to know someone that isn't hot (but decent looking at least) but funny, easy going and interesting than someone that is drop dead gorgeous but boring and stupid. Look isn't everything and it happens all the time that the boringness and the stupidity make the people less attractive (it might come to the point that the person just becomes unattractive, seriously). So just hit me up guys and we will talk....message me for sn or talk yeah? I am waiting hehehe
Er, er....what again? oh music....any kind for listening, for dancing, hip hop and rap are my fav.
er, er, er.....what in the hell? oh movies lol....actions, comedies, romantics
oh blah, have to fill this again? FRIENDS is my fav show ever....too sad its over...other good shows are: oh well all of them lol except for soap operas, i hate those so much.....whats the point of people just stare and talk a little bit then stare again.....seriously there is only 5 mins of content in the whole hour of the shows..oh blah
i know that I won't fill this thing lol
My parents for ya