Monica profile picture


Bordering on indelicacy and impropriety.

About Me

I like to keep people on their toes.
Deep inside, I'm really like an old lady.
In the past 8 years I've lived in 4 different geographical states and 4 million different mental states.
In Los Angeles, it is cheaper to travel in a limo than by taxi cab.
I can't make a long story short.
Unforeseen circumstances suck.
I used to major in Fashion Design.
I work for one of the biggest adult Video On Demand sites (and NO, I am not in movies)
I also co-manage our new site
I eat a vegan, gluten-free, corn-free diet.
I can cook like a mofo.
I am the world's most ridiculous pack rat.
My ultimate goal is to have immediate availability and reference to absolutely anything.
I am (was?) a natural blonde.
Toilet humor makes me giggle.
I like to substitute miscellaneous syllables with the word "crap".
My only regret in life is discovering old cassette tapes by Hulk Hogan & The Wrestling Boot Band at the "99 cent Only" store and only buying one.
I am currently bored out of my mind.
According to experts, my personality type is :
Assasin for hire

Other people like me display these traits.

  • They are geeks
  • They go commando
  • They like black lingerie
  • They drive a honda

  • Take the Ink Blot Personality Quiz at This quiz is so wrong - in real life I drive a Toyota.

    My Interests

    Flea market shopping for vintage clothes and miscellaneous crap, incessantly studying random obsessions, making all kinds of stuff, finding crazy sea shells

    I'd like to meet:

    Seriously, anyone who's not an idiot.


    Johnny Cash, Elvis, Hank Williams, Willie Nelson, Punk, old Metal, old standards and 50's, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, guys named "Billy", stuff like that


    Mystery Science Theatre 3000, old classics, horror, cheesy comedy,
    and of course...


    dumb shows from 80s/90s, anything with Bob Saget, trashy crap, old black & white shows, Adult Swim, America's Next Top Model :)


    The Warrior Within, The Manchurian Candidate, Sammy, Cash by Jonny Cash, Elvis and me, old Hollywood autobiographies

    My Blog

    Our HotmoviesForHer profile is gone!

    Our HotmoviesForHer profile was deleted, hacked, or trashed to damn hell. %&#$%@$#@%@Now it's just skeletal remnant of blog posts and friends. Happy Crapsgiving!...
    Posted by Monica on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:32:00 PST

    Back from my big gay weekend!

    I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to think... and still catching up. I'm not ignoring anyone, I've just been too busy or too tired to do anything! Anyway, I'm feeling lazy and don't feel l...
    Posted by Monica on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:27:00 PST

    holy damn august!

    I think I was away more this month than I was home! First went to Florida for Internext - super damn awesome, and super damn tiring! It was non-stop from the second the plane landed (3 hours late...
    Posted by Monica on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 07:00:00 PST

    Internext this weekend!

    Tomorrow I'm flying down to Florida for Internext, a big adult webmaster show. Very excited, hope the hurricane doesn't hit us! We're right on the beach - my hopes for some early morning shell hunts h...
    Posted by Monica on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 07:22:00 PST

    I'll be on the radio tonite!

    Montreal station CKUT 90.3 FM's Audio Smut show will interview me tonite at 6:30pm EST - if you're up there, listen up! Smut on myspace...
    Posted by Monica on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 07:14:00 PST

    Exotic Erotic Ball in NYC

    Totally going. Can't wait!
    Posted by Monica on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 07:59:00 PST

    Shane's World party!

    Went to LA this weekend to go to a Shane's World party for work. Holy fun! It was awesome - met some neat people, including the porn star Cytherea (she even grabbed my ass when we got our pic taken - ...
    Posted by Monica on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 05:25:00 PST

    Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap.

    Way to start the day on the right foot... I fell down my stupid stairs hardcore!! I woke up this morning early and was still half asleep going down to make breakfast and I slipped on my second s...
    Posted by Monica on Fri, 05 May 2006 06:33:00 PST

    Whoah, risque...

    I can be such an ass sometimes. I take for granted going on whatever sites at work, and then I come home on my little computer and think I can be just as carefree. So, in my quest to find a silly sex ...
    Posted by Monica on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 05:05:00 PST

    Damn the damn cold!

    There is no purpose for cold weather as I can see. None. Snow is the only possible positive novelty, but it's only neat for like 2 seconds and then reality sets in and it's just brown and dirty and an...
    Posted by Monica on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 01:50:00 PST