Troy profile picture


The Milfton has landed!

About Me

Hi one and all, have a read of the rest of my profile and you pretty much get what I'm about. It's all good fun, hey you gotta have fun every now and then otherwise nothing would be fun and without fun how could I spell fundamental?! It'd just be damental and what the hell is that?!
So, I'm happy to add anyone, BUT there's a catch and that catch is, send me a message in 25 words or less (ha ha) with your add request to say where you found me and why you wish to add me. I love that random people want to be mates and it's cool to hear how people come across people.
OK, so it's a new year, it's now 2008, can you believe that, 2008 I remember when it was 1987, I miss that year... sorry, sidetracked as I always do, anyhoo. My mate Scotty Rock gave me an idea, well actually he had it and I just stole it. See what I wrote above about adding anyone?! Yeah well that's gonna change. If I dont get a message from you, then you no get an add from me. It'll break my heart to deny you as I'm not usually a denying kinda guy, but come on. Random bands, just say "Hi" or "Hey, you'd like our stuff" and random people, just say "Hi" or "I'm in love with you" or something like that! Up to you, so if you wanna be my mate, then send me a message. Ta da! Not hard people! OK, back to the mayhem.
That's my rant, Troy out. PS: Check out my website if you want to see some more of me... click below, on the words, you know, the ones just below...
So, I was on holidays and I ran into the mighty LEMMY at the airport!! Ha ha, he was looking at toy Koalas
Oh yeah and I met Motley Crue too... ha ha ha ha ha, good times...
BOWLING FOR SOUP, these 4 guys are cooler than anyone I have ever met. Fucking amazing dudes. Thanks for the beer!
Click either one of us, but it's my profile so I'll be sad if you don't click me. Really... I will...
While you're there, or here actually, if you havent added our new My Space profile, then you should because Scott yells at me if we don't get friends. He's mean. But I'm bigger than him, so sucked in.

My Interests

I have too many! Lets put a few! I play the guitar, I listen to music, I get tattoos (ooh that's a good one!) did I say music?! oh yeah just a second ago. Um, what else, collecting music memorabilia, my place looks like a Troy Rock Cafe without the cafe, so it's more of a Troy Rock which sounds stupid really because what's a Troy Rock?!

I'd like to meet:

If we're talking rock stars, the only one I want and or need to meet is Mr Butch Walker! If he'll ever tour here again or I get off my ass and get to the States it may happen one day... I just want to say Thank you... Of course I want to meet my other idols like most of the bands listed over there and I will... one day...

.. ..


So, this is where I list what I listen to?! Well, if I put everything I listened to we'd be here for let's see... a million bands X the number of fingers on my right hand + the number of members in The Marvelous 3 = about 2 years.

So I'll just list some that I listen to and we'll go from there!

BON JOVI (Is, Was and Always will be the greatest band of all time, the end, no correspondence will be entered into)

RICHIE SAMBORA (can't even say anything here...)
BUTCH WALKER (Is better than Everything)
MARVELOUS 3 (R.I.P. Hence the tattoo... see below)

WARRANT (Shut up! ha ha, have you heard 'The Bitter Pill')
MIKE TRAMP (Krispy Kremes anyone, ha ha, try the Pumpkin donut Mike, good times, great memories)
BOWLING FOR SOUP ( possibly the coolest band ever, wait, not possibly, they are)
WHITE LION (There is life... even after a broken heart. I wish...)
SKID ROW (Wasted Time baby... it's all about Wasted Time)
MOTLEY CRUE (Oh they made it here and they were awesome, and in case you havent looked to your right... do it now!!)
FUEL (My tatt says it all. 'Bad Day' makes me cry, Carl Bell is a genius)
JIMMY EAT WORLD (Sweetness... need I say more? Yes I must, 4 awesome guys, and a show that is so intense that I could stay at the camp site for a year)
EndeverafteR (Have you heard this band? HAVE YOU? Go and get their album NOW!! Review on
JOURNEY (never ever ever ever stop believin')
KEITH URBAN (Guitar god and an Aussie)
GOO GOO DOLLS (Get their music in High Places DVD, watch it in DTS, you can actually hear how cold it is in Alaska)
DEF LEPPARD (Have I ever needed someone so bad? Yep...)
THE ALL AMERICAN REJECTS (4 of the nicest guys ever! Just an amazing band!!)
HENRY LEE SUMMER (Do yourself a favour! He's awesome!)
SEVENDUST (They kill my life! I Praise them, see what I did there?)
SUGARLAND (Country at its best, great songs, great live and just great!)
TOWER CITY (yeah that's right... who? GO FIND OUT! Oh my god, one of the best I have heard!)
THE VERONICAS (You must check these girls out, no not in that way, but listen to their music, they are amazing! Aussie girls done good! Plus I got MILFTON printed in their new CD ha ha)
HALL AND OATES (So close... yet so far away)
AVRIL (Hey, she's talented, shut up!)
TONIC (If you never heard "Head on Straight" why are you still reading this, go get it... gosh...)
INXS (Don't change a thing for me)
DANGER DANGER (Poley, Laine... all good to me!!)
SR 71 (They signed a Tang container for me!!)
TAXIRIDE (Aussie band, check them out, they rule! Saffron is fuckin' awesome)
FALL OUT BOY (Sugar, we're fucking awesome)
U2 (goes with or without saying... with or without saying...)
GOOD CHARLOTTE (the new album is AMAZING! Plus the guys are cool!)
CARRIE UNDERWOOD (Man, I can not stop listening to this album, it's a bloody ripper! A new fave!!!!)
SUGAR RAY (An amazing live band!!!!)
DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL (Gotta love a good dose of whinge rock)
DEVILS IN HEAVEN (Another Aussie band, went nowhere, shame, they are awesome, you wanna hear a track, let me know!!)
LEANN RIMES (When I need to chill out, she helps, I can't explain that)
FOO FIGHTERS (Again, amazing live band, had me hooked from lights down! And DERRRRRRRR they wrote EVERLONG!!)
MATCHBOX TWENTY (I have never missed this band when they tour Australia, they are fuckin' TOPS!)
LIONEL RICHIE (Do not walk on the ceilings)
FAITH NO MORE (I'm waiting for MY Midlife Crisis!!)
HIM (She'll be right here in my arms... or not)
MANDY MOORE (Crush is a great song!! She has the voice of an angel, go get 'Wild Hope')
JUDE COLE (What a songwriter!!)
BOOM CRASH OPERA (There Kevin, they're in and yes, they are Australia's most under rated band)
EXTREME (Nuno had my jaw on the ground! That man can play!!)
DISHWALLA (Somewhere in the middle... loves it!)
ROXETTE (You want catchy?! You Want?! Go listen!!!!)
LIT (Gotta mean something to someone... see what I did there!)
POISON (Nothing wrong with a fun rock band!)
DAVID HASSELHOFF (Just seeing if you're paying attention, but I do own 7 of his CD's ha ha, um...)

It may seem that it's all about the ROCK but no, I actually have such a diverse range of musical taste that includes country, R&B, pop and all that's good.

My motto "A good song is a good song no matter who sings it so don't judge a band or an artist just because of who they are."

Let's leave it there for a bit :)


I like movies, I'm gonna stand up right now and say I LOVE CHICK FLICKS!
Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?! Huh?! So I like Mandy Moore and Hilary Duff movies, they make me smile!!
So some of my fave movies are:
The Empire Strikes Back (I found them, repeat, I found them)
Serendipity (I so believe in this kind of stuff)
BMX Bandits (what did you do that for?! I was having a good day!)
Moonlight and Valentino (No, not just because Jon Bon is in it!)
Blind Fury (Nice doggie...)
ROCKSTAR (Your curtain's fucked, bahahaha best day ever)
V for Vendetta (One of the best movies I have ever seen)
A Walk to Remember (made me cry, ha ha)
The Notebook (yeah I left it off here but not on purpose! I love this movie, and yeah... I welled up)
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (Here's to you... Snapper Head)
Toy Soldiers (I have seen this movie too many times to count)
Adventures in Babysitting (Or as we called it 'A night on the town')
Revenge of the Nerds (it's funny, shut up)
Superman (insert whatever you want here, this movie rules)
Notting Hill (I never get sick of this movie)
KRULL (AWESOME movie from 1983, I want a glaive tattoo!)
Back to the future 1-3 (I live in the future, so it's appropriate)
A Cinderella Story (I love Hilary Duff, shut up!)
Fight Club (You hit me in the freakin ear!)
Heaps more, can't remember right now, it's too early and or late, dependant on the time you read this!


My second favourite thing in the world!
Fave TV show of all time:
MacGyver (The king of EVERYTHING!)
BUT I also love
24 (Jack Bauer is the shit and if you say otherwise, he will hurt you! Bauer for President)
Dexter (One of the greatest shows I have ever seen)
Smallville (der it's about Superman!)
M*A*S*H (officially one of the best shows ever, I can't watch the episode when Henry dies, it makes me cry)
LOST (a better show I have not seen in years)
Battlestar Galactica (Frackin' awesome)
Arrested Development (What is she funny or something?)
The Amazing Race (Good reality, yeah I'm a sucker...)
Heroes (this show is spectacular, go watch it! Go Hiro!!)
Scrubs (The show should be called "The Janitor" he rules!)
Ed (Ten Bucks Mike...)
Nowhere Man (one of the best shows ever! or at least it was...)
21 Jump St (Booker was a dick though, sorry Richard Greico should you ever read this)
Prison Break (So good, and one day, I want that many tattoos!)
Family Guy (What the hell... no no no no)
Firefly (Jayne is a girls name)
The Simpsons (Whaaaaaat? Spider Poison is People Poison?)
Perfect Strangers (Now we are so happy we do the dance of joy!)
My Name is Earl (Karma rules)
How I met your mother (SUIT UP!)
FRIENDS (Please pass the pie...)
Entourage (Hug it out bitches)
and what's that other show I like?! You know, the one with those guys that do that stuff...


What's a book?! You can't listen to a book!! Oh, hang on, yes you can if it's a book on tape, but that's not the issue at hand here! Fave book at the moment is a toss up between "The Dirt" or "Star Man" which reminds me, where did I leave my keys?!


I have 2 well 3 if you count the 3rd one!

A) My GOD (and I told him to his face) RICHIE SAMBORA!!

2) BUTCH WALKER (I can't explain why this man is so good!)

and D) SUPERMAN! Hey, shut up, he's a hero!!

My Blog

Troys Tremendous Travels 4 - The rest - 13/8

The final chapter!!  Enjoy, pics will be up soon too!!LOS ANGELES Welcome to LA!  Off the plane, waited 30 minutes for my bag and off to Super shuttle, the blue van that picked me up and ...
Posted by Troy on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:51:00 PST

Troy’s Tremendous Travels 4 - Part 4 - 13/8

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay, you know travelling and stuff,  I recommend printing it and reading it on the train or something, then you won't be late for work.  There's 1 more part aft...
Posted by Troy on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:45:00 PST

Troy’s Tremendous Travels 4 - Part 3 - 8/8

Apologies for the delay guys, some more for you now and probably the rest when I get home!  But its going very well...Yes!!  I think I just slept for 2 hours!  Its now 7pm, Rhys and Sar...
Posted by Troy on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:39:00 PST

Troy’s Tremendous Travels 4 - Part 2 - 30/7

So glad I didn't have to get the 8:30 flight to Vegas!  Imagine me running for the plane, yeah go on laugh, I am!! Wow!!  OK, let me recap the last 1 hr 43 minutes.  So we get off th...
Posted by Troy on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 07:01:00 PST

Troy’s Tremendous Travels 4 - Part 1- 30/7

Good morning, here is part 1 of my travel diary!  Enjoy, much more to come :)Troy's Tremendous Travels 4  Casino Troyale. Wow, what a morning.  Oh hi by the way.  Yeah back to my morn...
Posted by Troy on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 10:49:00 PST

Got the EBAY bug again - 15th June

Oh yeah, i've been at it again. I love selling stuff on ebay and I was in a random mood today so I listed a few items I have milling around the house. Go have a read if you want a bit of a chuckle, y...
Posted by Troy on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 10:23:00 PST

Now thats a fire... 14th May

Tonight my Microwave Oven caught on fire.  Yep, as I was going to enjoy a nice meal of Cajun lamb chops and steamed vegetables (yes the ones in the bag that you put in for 3 minutes, then shake...
Posted by Troy on Wed, 14 May 2008 03:24:00 PST

Why I love my parents - 6th Feb

Ya know what?  I love my folks, there, I said it.  I think theyre the greatest 2 people in the world.  You don't know them, well a couple of you do, but meh, you dont need to, but I wan...
Posted by Troy on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:08:00 PST

A Random Troy Survey (arts for short) - 5th Jovuary

Twas a bulletin but thought I'd make it a blog, just so it stays longer.  Why I'd do this?  Well you know what they say...Oh it's surely been a while since I did a survey... did you miss the...
Posted by Troy on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 01:06:00 PST

Happy New Beer I mean Year - 1/1 ooh fun...

OK, I've woken up, fully clothed, yeah I totally just crashed out last night too funny, I didnt stay at home and go to bed at 10 (that was probably the 1 joke in my last blog) instead I spent the nigh...
Posted by Troy on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:55:00 PST