humans®demons profile picture


schädlich - tödlich - menschlich

About Me

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1. Album (SCHÄDLICH - TÖDLICH - MENSCHLICH) März/ April 2003. () Bisher ~40 Shows in Berlin (Kulturbrauerei, Tempodrom, Antifademos) und deutschlandweit ()
2. Album im Herbst 2006 (DIE GESELLSCHAFT ZUM WEGWERFEN) ()
3. Album in der Planung (APOKAPITALYPSE)
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 News Mirror (worldwide)
Stressfaktor BERLIN Guide (D)
Indymedia Nachrichten von unten (D) (E)
junge Welt ...die unverdrehtesten News (D)
Mathias Bröckers Mann der ersten Stunde (D) (E)
The Memory Hole As if it never happened… (E)
Vorratsdatenspeicherung Gestapo reloaded (D)
Heise Newsticker Computer-Nachrichten (D)
greenpeace energy Sei selbst die Energiewende (D)
Sir Vival …da Nehberg (D)
Räder statt Blechkisten ...leider teuer. (D)
UPI Umweltprognosen (D)
Who is Who of Justice aka Alternative Nobel Prize (E)
Vandana Shiva Water Wars and Biopiracy (E)

Arundhati Roy says ‘Some things are their own punishment’ (E)
medico international HELP! (D)
Ärzte ohne Grenzen HELP! (D)
Die Rote Hilfe HELP! (D)
Youtube No way around it (E)
MP3s freier Download (D) mp3
Wikipedia too bad that it developed a strong right-wing bias (CIA in action) (E)
Ron Paul A Value Conservative and Liberal ? – TO STOP THE FASCISM! (E)
Mac Rumors Go Mac. Or Linux! (E)
New Grounds Tons of Flash (E)
Camp Chaos the creative bunch (E)
Ted Rall! TED RALL!!!! (E)
Aleksandar Zograf Master of psychedelic war comics (E)
Beehive HC Kunst (E)
Lycaeum 4000 trip reports (E)
God won’t heal amputees… (E)
IMDB Everything about movies (E)
Bandpromo -
Bandliste -
bandlist -

My Interests


Member Since: 3/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: ***Markus - dr, voc ***Thomas - b ***Maxim - git
Influences: The Notwist /|.. Rage against the machine /|.. Tool /|.. KoRn /|.. GOD /|.. Biohazard /|.. Believer /|.. Aphex Twin /|.. Smashing Pumpkins /|.. K's Choice /|.. Eels /|.. Vengeance Rising /|.. Naked Lunch /|.. Sportgemeinschaft Presley /|.. Junkie XL /|.. Coptic Rain /|.. Blumentopf /|.. Tom Liwa /|.. Fettes Brot /|.. The Beatles
Sounds Like: Junglemetall Emocrust Tripcore Psychoindie Electroblast Hardpop
We try to have one song of the three categories Hardcore/ HipHop/ Indie on the page in order to satisfy the wide array of different people that tend to gather here. Pick your favourite i.e. give it a second try, if the first song displayed does not meet your preferences.
The more exotic stuff is usually too large to drop it here.
Some words concerning our ADD FRIENDS POLICY:
If you are a band and want to be added, please send a short message and give a reason. We are as picky as possible, so a lot of bands will be rejected, especially because bands tend to spam (i.e. adding at random) other myspace members. If you want to be friends because you appreciate the shit on this page, say so, otherwise there will be the usual picky judgement on your music, with an 1:9 quota.
And finally: If your stuff blows us away you'll be added anyway.
You don't need to mail as we assume that you just want to be friends because you like the stuff here. However, a mail helps if it's a close thing.
We don't think it's a reasonable thing to have as much friends as you can. Let's say in the end you've got 10 millions, then what's the purpose of it? Networks only do work if there's a structure, built through applied criteria. If everyone is adding everyone, we got a pile of random. Everyone's Tom, then.

"h(R)d's friends" is more something like our personal "Best Of" of myspace, and we encourage you to check them out. Lots of funny, thinky and ultradark mashup out there. Of course also some quite spartan pages of fans. And some weird overwhelming pages of fans.

I think you get the point.
Some words concerning our REQUEST FRIENDS POLICY:

If we request, we're serious.
We either love your shit, consider your page to be cool or figure out that there's a high probability you might want to bathe your brains in our formula.
In that order.
We think you can march into the Hall Of Fame. Sort of.
If you are in doubt, leave it open. We will mail you if we see that you haven't decided though some time has passed over the matter.
We try not to reject offers.
If we don't really want to add you because of one of the reasons mentioned above, we tend to not decide. You can end the request yourself or help us deciding by sending a mail.
We appreciate meaningful comments with content and thought and/or crazyness and try to live up to that principle ourselves.

Type of Label: None

My Blog

(E) I am not alone

Derrick Jensen and his book ENDGAMEPremises of EndgamePremise One: Civilization is not and can never be sustainable. This is especially true for industrial civilization.Premise Two: Traditional commun...
Posted by humans®demons on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 04:55:00 PST

(D) Die Menschheitsverbrechen der Hochfinanz

Die Menschheitsverbrechen der HochfinanzEin Text von Matthias LorchVeröffentlich am 23.12.2006 17:22 Uhr von Matthias LorchJedem, der sich in den letzen Jahren Gedanken machte über die Ungleichgewicht...
Posted by humans®demons on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 04:01:00 PST

(E) The coming collapse and the EU

This is something we found on the web: interesting thoughts (with small changes due to readability).Coming CollapseThe EU is an interesting mix up. North America is very different. It’s the sam...
Posted by humans®demons on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 03:57:00 PST

(D) Rasen betreten verboten

In Doofland wird es nie eine Revolution geben, weil die Leute dazu den Rasen betreten müssten.Ob der Rasen verstrahlt, genmanipuliert, kameraüberwacht, stacheldrahtumzäunt, zubetoniert, superkurzrasie...
Posted by humans®demons on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:09:00 PST

(E) Fraud, Fraud and Fraud

Fraud US-Style: Fake Videos and Electionsby Stephen Lendman Global Research, January 11, 2008 First the videos with bin Laden ones Exhibit A. He always seems to pop up strategically at well-timed mome...
Posted by humans®demons on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:05:00 PST

(D) gut bezahlte Hooligans

Versuchter Totschlag in Uniform?Berliner Bullen prügeln auch in HamburgNachdem die berüchtigten Berliner Prügeleinheiten sich bei der Freiräume-Demo in Berlin am 8.12. ("One struggle, one fight") soga...
Posted by humans®demons on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:32:00 PST

(E) Ron Paul

Actually, if someone like Ron Paul would run in Germoney, I'd consider him to be one more neoliberal extremist.But in a situation where the current US junta establishes the police state at home and ab...
Posted by humans®demons on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:19:00 PST

(D) Schweinachten

Schweinachten  das bedeutet gruselige, unappetittliche Entdeckungen unter der Oberfläche:War es einst heidnisches Ritual zur Wintersonnwende, so stahl die Katholische Kirche den Heiden ihre Mythen, b...
Posted by humans®demons on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 01:20:00 PST

(E) It’s much worse than you think...

The following article is excerpted from the upcoming edition of the book "The Art of Mental Warfare" by David Vincent."The Art of Mental Warfare" by David VincentEditor's Note: This message comes from...
Posted by humans®demons on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 07:08:00 PST

(D) Weltverbesserer

WeltverbessererDie Welt zu verbessern ist relativ einfach: Man muß über einen aufgeklärten, flexiblen, eigenständigen und gebildeten Verstand verfügen und das erste Problem, über das man nach dem Aufs...
Posted by humans®demons on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 07:04:00 PST