Freedom Jack would love to extened their thanks and gratitude to YOU for YOUR support!We wish you all the best for your futur!Don't forget to Check Freedom's page for the latest news!A great idiot once said " be free is to be jacked"
Greetings from those who are jacked are not jacking off!
We are freedom jack and we have been trying to write thing thing properly and seriously but we can't because it's not our style!we need jelly beans!Anyway FreedomJack has been a valid band for the past 5 years playing some pretty awsome shows and playing some pretty...horrible shows...but anyway whats in the past will remain in the past and we will move forward and walk forward!
After a long break from the scene we have decided to make a huge comeback and we will be realesing a album Smellypickle Records....ok ok that label doesn't exist but we thought it would sound funny!anyway seriously we will be realesing a album titled "A myriad of Symphony"!If all goes well with printing and distribution the album will be realesed in mid August!for further info please read our blog on 'the myriad of symphony' as there will be more details there.for now we will bid you all farwell and we will return as the jacked!(but not to jack you off)
Note to Adam: it's simple...THINK!!