ShOP..sLeEp..SnoreS..beIng vEin..bUlly mY stooPid anOyIng sIstEr..hahaha..Watch TV oF Coz...Music..JeWElLEriEs..dEniM...Eat..n mOre eaTtIng..
stIll tHinkIng..
R&B..Hip Hop..A lil bit of rap..Any sorts of song that nice to hear..
HollywOoD...boLLyWooD...mALayWooD...iNdoWooD...anything that bites!! OucHHHhh!!
MTV..cHANNEL ( V )..Fear Factor..Desperate House Wife..Sex and the city..and Etc...others will update soon
I dont ReaD bOoks..
onE iN a mIllIon siSta's wOrldS tOuGh Gf img src=" .jpg"