Find me digging in my garden or sitting on a rock by an alpine lake. I live in the pursuit of bliss. (No, really!)
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Squirrel Myspace Layouts in Animal Myspace Layouts
My Summer Home..
Climbing mountains, playing in the dirt, collecting strange dogs, rain dancing, rock stacking, taking peeekchures...
George Washington Hayduke, Squirrels, Hobbits, Elves, Pirates, John Mayer (preferably in that hot bear suit of his), and... *
The BeatlesPaul McCartneyGeorge HarrisonJohn LennonRingo StarrJohn MayerThe Grateful DeadTom PettySteve MillerJack JohnsonSlackstringPete MurrayVan MorrisonPete Yorn
Johnny Depp *Orlando Bloom* *** Ben Stiller ****Owen Wilson *Hugh GrantColin FirthRowan Atkinson
Edward Abbey, Larry McMurtry, Stephen King, John Krakauer, James Harriot, JRR Tolkien ...
Hmmmm...Whoeverinvented the Backwards Bush Clock!* *And the inventor of the Trunk Monkey Theft Retrieval System...of course!