DJ La TonyaD profile picture

DJ La TonyaD

I had a checkup with my doctor today. I tested positive for sexy. I'm allergic to haters. My blood t

About Me

DJ La TonyaD

Why MUSIC? I joined the Navy in 1996 and went through the most trying depressive episode I'm sure anyone has ever experienced. I attribute my recovery to two things. JESUS and MUSIC. The only two things that were there for me while in isolation. The only two things that uplifted me. Two turntables and a mixer later, I found joy in instilling an atmosphere of peace for those who came seeking it. I couldn't offer a pill or a drink that could cure their fears and anxieties, but I could offer some good MUSIC and maybe even JESUS if they were searching. All I know is I found my cure......just thought I'd share it with the's a crazy world maybe you can find some JOY here even if for a minute....
If I'm spinnin' it, it's probably some 80'S or FUNKY AND JACKIN' OR REALLY SOULFUL,DEEP AND SEXY HOUSE TRACK, or anything OLD SCHOOL. I'll rock some Waylon Jennings when necessary.
GOOD MUSIC folks, let's make some good music for the ears of the world and the decks of the DJ's.
I'm an electrician, DJ, I produce whatever I come up with(I'll be posting some soon, this little tyke takes up a lot of time in a day), I promote parties and DJs. Temporarily on hiatus to give my son a great start in life.
DJing has increased my love and knowledge of music. If I seek fame or fortune from it, I've lost my true appreciation of all that music is. So many of you are musicians or music lovers at heart and I appreciate you because we are on the same page. We all more than likely will never know true friendship, but music unites us. Whatever you do, just simply do it for the sake of MUSIC.

My Interests

Growing, Serving, Giving, Loving, Cooking, Eating, Laughing, Learning, Teaching,Reading, DJing, Listening, Talking, Writing, Living for God

I SPIN ALL TYPES OF HOUSE, OLD SCHOOL R&B/SOUL, FUNK, & 80's POP/ROCK CLASSICS for you to dance to all night long! PRODUCE tracks that I can't seem to get finished in the midst of other priorities.

Increasing my love of God, myself, and others while teaching my son to do the same. Becoming a better woman every day.

I'd like to meet:

JESUS, Prince, Condoleeza Rice, MUSIC LOVERS WORLDWIDE,my family members who have passed on,all of my children;--------------- PEOPLE WHO WILL ACTUALLY READ MY PROFILE BEFORE CONTACTING ME........THIS MEANS YOU......Can't you see I'm busy....I'm really important you know?!!!!


You name the genre....The question is what don't I like???

VH1 Classic/MTV from the 80's,your parents' old records.

I love GOOD music of ALL genres and some stupid summertime anthems, but mainly all aspects of HOUSE MUSIC, OLD SCHOOL R&B/SOUL, FUNK, ROCK, CLASSICAL, JAZZ, JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING FROM THE 80'S (I'm stuck in the decade), CLASSIC COUNTRY.

I play stuff you forgot you liked.

My music. YOUR MUSIC.......if it's good of course.



I have the attention span of a cotton sock, but if I can muster it these I'll watch over and over again:
The Wiz, The Color Purple, Slingblade, Coming to America, Office Space, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Rainman, Forrest Gump, Be Cool, Napoleon Dynamite


My downfall unfortunately... I LOVE TIVO!!! VH1 Classic is the best channel ever created for the music lover. "I Love The 80's", Anything on VH1, The Simpsons seasons 3-9, Cool and Stupid Reality TV shows(Don't know why) but America's Next Top Model, The Apprentice, The O'Reilly Factor, Glenn Beck, Planet Earth, anything on The Learning, Discovery, and History Channels....on and on....Love that idiot box!!!


The Bible, The FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES,The Purpose Driven Life, Bringing up Boys, The Breastfeeding Guide, Flowers for Algernon, Intensity, The World According to Garp, Charlotte's Web


Hmmm, the greatest one yet and none to follow....Christ

My Blog

Respect in and for the Music Industry

I’ve been around long enough to know that there are shady people in the world. Unfortunately the music industry is rampant with them. The integrity of the business is compromised when the good ...
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:07:00 PST

Could it really be??

Could it truly be that Old School(Particularly the 80's) music is resurfacing?  I'm truly feeling the tracks like Nelly Furtado's "Do It", Kanye West's "Good Life", Rooney's "...
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 12:18:00 PST

2007,, Oooooh weeeee I can't wait!!!!!!

I should be sleeping but I'm so excited about a fresh start that is around the corner. Sure I could start recording tracks, saving more money, going to the gym, eating better, and stopping procrastina...
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 09:45:00 PST

Where are my tracks?

Two family deaths in two months, which resulted in two trips to the Bay Area, studying for an advancement exam, a move to a condo, and a cute little baby boy have kept me away from completing tracks I...
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 11:55:00 PST

If Your Music Has........

The beauty of music is that it can soothe souls, unite humanity, and even teach our children in positive or negative manners. To me, this sense of beauty is lost when the music produced no longer has ...
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 08:17:00 PST


Mackenzie and I finally made it beyond the club. I'm so grateful to the staff at 88.5 and my girl for giving us the chance to play to Atlanta. There's so much more to come this year. We've paid our du...
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'm really not that deep........

Suffice it to say that I got kind of deep on the election issue. I can't hide who I am, but I hope that you reading this means you are open to knowing who I am. I hate labels. I could be an African-Am...
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Prince Concert

Amazing and Inspiring, that's all I can say.
Posted by DJ La TonyaD on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST