oh thats in the about me section opps......
kenya moore -free-ms-badu-jaguar wright- and any woman thats chocolate looking you know something nice ,sweet and thick.. you know the grown woman look..=]......
catch that in the about me section oh forgot about curtis mayfield live cd
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love jones-best-man-matrix1-2-3-badboys1-2-ocean 11-12-mr and mrs smith -friday-are we there yet-triple-x-streets is watching-fade to black-james bond no one really dies-hitch-spider man series-blade-1-2 ......
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MUST READ FOR ALL MY MEDIA MAJORS-- CONTRACTS FOR FILM AND TELEVISION INDUSTRY-2 EDITION-MARK LITWAK ------------------------------------------------------------ -- DESEGREGATING THE DOLLAR-ROBERT E. WEEMS JR. ------------------------------------------------------------ - FOUNDATION OF SCREEN WRITTING-SYD FIELD-- ------------------------------------------------------------ ENTERTAINMENT POWER PLAYERS-DACKEYIA Q. STERLING Entertainmentpower.com is the website ------------------------------------------------------------ --......
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