'69 Model, writing lyrics, playing guitars, muscle cars, pretty legs, art, film, concerts, band movies, pretty toes, trivial stuff, animation, graphix design, screenprinting, ankles, drinking on the beach, girlz in cowboy hats, good stand-up comedy, high heels, motocross, Xtreme-Bmx, girlz in boots, making friends, culinary arts, sea, sex and sun
bass-fishin' musicians,sexy-saucey-sane and sassy girlies, comedians, artists, muscle car and hotrod lovers, film makers, producers, music engineers, animators, chefs, thespians and lesbians, ufo researchers, ufo pilots, big-foot fanatics, paranormal experts, psychics, bullshitters, loud mouths, boneheads, and troublemakers...whatever.
All RocK & MetaL(old & new), some country, some punk, some funk, dirty blues, slide, gothic, nu-wave, some jazz rock, disco if I'm drinkin' heavily and some one-hit wonders
Hot Rod, 300, Death Proof, Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny, Black Snake Moan, Breakfast Club, Bodies, Rest, and Motion, Four Rooms, Vanilla Sky, The Green Mile, Elvis Meets Nixon, Hustle and Flow, The River's Edge, Airheads, Spinal Tap, Heavy Metal, Honkytonk Man, Still Crazy, 8 Mile, Naked Lunch, Fast Times, Heathers, Pulp Fiction, War of the Worlds, Close Encounters of the u know,,Prey for Rock & Roll, Van Helsing, Team America, DeVinci Code.
I watch everything.Kermit Does Metallica
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Sure...they're great... uhskhummp. Right...? I read.
If ya treat others the way u wanna be treated, and take care of your kids if u got'em...then you my friend, are my hero.