Hit the Jackpot profile picture

Hit the Jackpot

About Me

Hit the Jackpot formed in Adelaide in early 2003, when Kynan (formerly of Hardy Coxon) convinced Jessica that she could play drums. They recorded a split tape with their friends Sound of Mercy Killing, and played a house party for their first show.Since then Kynan has convinced Jessica that she can also play a few other instruments, as well as adding Sebastien (ex Love Like Electrocution) to their line-up. Since they only have the one self-titled ep out, in early 2006 they plan to release their album "Clowns'. They play simple but noisy songs, swap instruments, share vocals and believe that enthusiasm is better than technical proficiency.They've played shows with international acts Sonic Youth, Calvin Johnson, Les Savy Fav, J Mascis and Pretty Girls Make Graves, and such diverse Australian acts as NinetyNine, Oren Ambarchi, Kiosk, Wolf and Cub, True Radical Miracle, Architecture in Helsinki, The Redsunband, Clue to Kalo and My Disco.
Our new album 'Clowns' is out now on FS Records. It is available for $10 in Australia (including postage)from us. It is also avaliable from the following stores for $15: Missing Link (Melb), Paint it Black (Syd), Rockinghorse (Bris) and Big Star (Adel)Past Shows

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2004
Band Website: hitthejackpot.fsrecords.com
Band Members: Kynan Lawlor, Jessica Thomas & Sebastien Calabretto
Influences: Vaselines, Jonathan Richman, The Fall, Galaxie 500, Beat Happening, Sonic Youth, Swell Maps, The Clean, Dinosaur Jr
Record Label: Fuckin Stoner
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Hit the Jackpot (HTJ) can do no wrong, in the eyes of many.  Three 'fuck you fashionista' (un)kool kids with a punk rock attitude that 99% of the "punk" bands just don't get.  Clowns is furt...
Posted by Hit the Jackpot on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 02:55:00 PST

album's finally out

Our new cd 'Clowns' is finally out!Adelaide residents will be able to buy it from Big Star for $15, or from us as shows for $10.For other states, we will be sending the cds to stores in the next ...
Posted by Hit the Jackpot on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:43:00 PST