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His Light

I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm Matt. I live to worship God. I'm a sinner, who deserves to die, yet the grace of God has saved me. I'm a singer. I'm a musician. I play guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, keyboard, and various other stringed instruments. I like to sing in the shower. I beleive in working hard. I beleive everyone has hope in this seemingly hopeless world. I love to have fun. I'm not "popular" or "hott", I'm just Matt. I'm a generally optomistic person. I love life. I love God. I love music.I love my family. I'm waiting for a girl to come into my life that will stand by me as I stand with the Lord. I beleive life is more simple than we make it. Its not about works. Guilt is not a good response to failure. I want more Jesus. I love to meet new people, so say hi if I don't know you. =]I have a music page at www.myspace.com/mattspritzermusic I play in a bluegrass band called Argyle www.myspace.com/argylestyle.I play in my youth band on tuesday nights.I am looking at forming a band with some like-minded Christian musicians/singers, so if anyone is interested, let me know.
"Your guitar held the key to the cage that imprisoned my soul. It unlocked my prison and my soul flew away on the wings of your solo through the clouds of awesomeness and into the golden land of rock." -Gabe"Dude I heard your freaking guitar on freaking youtube and my head freaking exploded all over the wall and the blood formed the shape of a guitar. It was amazing." -Gabe, again.People and Things important in my life:
God(The most important thing in my life)
The Bible(The perfect word of God on this earth)
My Parents(I love them so much)
My Family(I love you guys)
My Friends(They have always been pretty loyal)
My Music(Gift from God)
Optimism(It keeps me positive through good and band times)
Rich Brown(One of the coolest cats in town)
The various figures in my life that influence me(teachers, adults, etc.)
I'm generally cool with people, so feel free to talk to me if you would like.Romans 12:1-2 Living Sacrifices 1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Galatians 2:16-21
16Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. 19For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. 20I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. 21I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

My Interests

My Interests Consist Of :.Spending Time With Jesus. .Listening To/Writing/Performing Music. .Racing. .Running. .Discussing. .Romance. .Confering. .Rain. .Stars. .Sunsets. .Spreading Love. .Contemplating. .World Changing.

I'd like to meet:

    The Apostle Paul
    My Grandpa Edward Spritzer who died before I was born
    Jon Foreman
    My Future Wife, a tall, beautiful, on fire for Christ woman who puts God first in everything, including our relationship.
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My Muscal Tastes Consist Of: (Every kind of)Prog, Indie, Alternative, Jazz, Fusion, Rock, Blues, Classic Rock, Experimental, Pop/rock, Funk, Metal, Instrumental, Bluegrass, New grass, Acoustic, Trance/techno, (Neo)Classical, Worship/Christian, Shoegaze, Latin, (Some)Punk, Ambient, Folk, and others.

My Favorite Bands/Artists Are: .Campaign. .Dream Theater. .Sanctus Real. .Frost. .Switchfoot. .Mute Math. .Hillsong United. .Jake Holman. .Coldplay. .Glass Hammer. .Muse. .Orphan Project. .Oceansize. .Kerry Livgren. .Neal Morse. .Kerry .Porcupine Tree. .Sean Watkins. .Chris Thile. .The Fray. .One Must Fall. .Building 429. .Ayreon. .David Crowder. .Circus Maximus.


Spinal Tap, Dead Poets Society, G3, The Illusionist, Left Behind, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Star Wars.


Now, I'm not the biggest T.V. guy, but usually I watch Speed Channel(Formula One), Food Network, and Spongebob. Sometimes the History Channel and Discovery Channel have some cool stuff on.


The Holy Bible
C.S. Lewis
Lee Strobel
Josh McDowell
J.P. Moreland
Any thought provoking work involving Philosophy, Theology, Music, Etc.


My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Also:My Dad, Jake Holman, Phil Wickham, Sean Watkins, Chris Thile, Tom Griesgraber,Steve vai, John Petrucci, Arjen Anthony Lucassen, Andy Timmons, Daniele Gottardo, Akria Harrison, Don Sachs, Howie(my first guitar teacher), Chris Burgan("Who'll carry it on if we don't pass it on?"), Rich Brown, Zak Wilke, Mark Hammond, Neal Morse,

My Blog

Corperate Worship?

Its late at night and swarms of adoring fans are flooding into the church sanctuary, getting ready to enjoy a great time of worship with a famous rock n roll worship band. They pile up one by one in t...
Posted by His Light on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:29:00 PST

I really thought that it might have been her.

Everything I knowTells me she's everythingThat I could hope forEverything I knowTells me I can't let herWalk awayI took my time to find the wordsI hoped she'd feel the same'Cause I want someone to Sha...
Posted by His Light on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 08:30:00 PST

Lies: The true way to get people to believe what you are saying without any proof.

Ten Lies I Told as a Mormon Missionary by Loren Franck The Bible predicts a dreadful fate for liars. For instance, while banished on the island of Patmos, the Apostle John saw that "all liars shall...
Posted by His Light on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:44:00 PST


Posted by His Light on Wed, 14 May 2008 09:46:00 PST

Does America Really Suck?

This is a blog I took from Jayson Hill. http://www.myspace.com/jaysonhill    **You’ve got to read this all the way...and I’m sure it doesn’t apply to many of us who love Go...
Posted by His Light on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:27:00 PST

The Face Of Love: True Love

Face of Love Add to My Profile | More VideosI've seen your face on stained glass, in colored lightsIn pictures of you looking to the skyYou've been portrayed a thousand different waysBut m...
Posted by His Light on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:20:00 PST

Misinformation and Miscommunication: A Cyanide In Christianity

There are many reasons why people object to Christianity, regardless of their modivation for this rejection in the first place. I feel one of the biggest mistakes people make is accepting misinformati...
Posted by His Light on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST

A Poem

I've been tempted by the world,I've desired what I know I don't want or need,Yet it gets down to my soul,and it makes me fall,yeah,It makes me fall,fall hard,Almost as if I couldn't get up.But His mig...
Posted by His Light on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 01:45:00 PST

Life is simple.

Or at least, its more simple then I have made it. I'm the kind of guy that sits down and contemplates about life. My mind goes on tangents most 16 year olds don't care to think about. Is this good or ...
Posted by His Light on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 10:18:00 PST

From Deception to Redemption:A Lifelong Mormon Leaves the LDS Church

..> From Deception to Redemption A Lifelong Mormon Leaves the LDS Church      By Sharon Taylor   March 13, 2004 ..> I was born and raised as a Latter-day Saint ...
Posted by His Light on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:31:00 PST