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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Im Mark. I am a 22 year old musician from San Diego. I am a singer and guitar player. Scroll down to see videos of my work or my music page is number one on my friendslist. =) Im seriously probably one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, but dont piss me off because I also wont take anybodies shit. People get mad at me sometimes cause I laught to much, lol. I am a Christian and I do believe in God. Lifes pretty good, finally startin to go my way. Ive learned a lot in recent times and I am happy the way things have turned out because im finding out everything happens for a reason =) My life right now is pretty much music and cars =) anything else youll have to find out for yourself cause people are bad at judging themselves. This is a Alice in Chains cover I did called Nutshell I LOVE MY BABY!!! =). HAHA, damn near 10 hours of singing b4 i made this video above so my voice cracked and its hillarious. lol .

My Blog

Motorcycle Accident report.......

Ok so I was goin to school this morning gettin ready to get on the 125 and some stupid fuckin bitch ran a red light. So i really didnt have a choice but to lay my bike down. and when I did, it caught ...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:13:00 GMT

Men Who Ride Motorcycles

The allure of the biker guyBy Amy KeyishianWe've all heard that women want a guy whos tall, dark and handsome. But maybe its time to update that to tall, dark and handsomeand on a Harley. Because it s...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 01:47:00 GMT

A Metalhead, a Dragon and a Princess...

A Metalhead, a Dragon and a Princess... A Metalhead, a Dragon and a Princess.... HEAVY METAL: The protagonist arrives on a Harley Davidson, kills the dragon, drinks some beers and fucks the ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 02:14:00 GMT

First Song off of Album Finally Completed

ok so I finally got the 1st song off my album finished and mastered. Its been takin so long cause its 10 minutes long...........ya I know, thats really long. So when I get some time, ill post it up he...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Apr 2005 23:31:00 GMT