The Franx profile picture

The Franx

myspace makes me fear for our future!

About Me

If you don't want to know the truth as I see it....don't ask. (But I'll probably tell ya anyway...) I like my job

My Interests

Jessie, movies, video games, dining, traveling, gambling, people, tending bar at the middle east.

I'd like to meet:

Nobody, I already have enough goddamn friends!


JAMES BROWN!, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, The Who, Good funk and soul, Clutch, Frank Zappa, Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters


The Godfather 1+2, Deliverance, A Clockwork Orange, Slingblade, Blue Velvet, The Seven Samurai, The Zatoichi movies, Requiem for a Dream(Every human should see this movie), Schindler's List(This one too), Saving Private Ryan, Most zombie movies, Predator 1+2, Alien 1+2


The Sopranos, All Star Treks, Farscape, Stargate SG-1, UFC, Pride, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Band Of Brothers, 24, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Deadwood, Rome, The Wire


Anything about serial killers or really cool famous people.


Firefighters, some cops (most of them are out there protecting your ass!), the men and women of our armed forces and a lot of the guys from my meetings.