" a foolish woman is noisy: she is wanton and knows no shame: the smooth tongue of the adventuress will snare you. a harlot may be hired for a loaf of bread, she stalks a man's very life and when you enter her doorway, remember her house is on the way to death and her guests are in the depths of hell" proverbs 9:13
my match
"I was the king of Kenmore Square, yes I was. I was a man outside in the streets, always had a buzz . . . . . . I was the king of Kenmore Square, and that is the truth. I was not a crazy man, definitely no goof . . . . . . I was a strong person, I went out every day I had jobs around the place, I went out every day . . . . . . I wasn’t allowed in the Buckminster Hotel. I got bothered by BU police like hell.I got bothered by the BU police so many different times. I been bothered by them, I could make up all types of rhymes. I can also go fast and remember all the things that they did to me. I would not lie to your reality . . . . . . But now them days are done, and now I’m here, with my sleeping bag in Allston."R.I.P Mr. Butch