Artie Lange, Benjie Lady, Big Black, Big Mike, Bigfoot, Clef Palette, Croy, Dan The Song Parody Man, Debbie The Queafer, Debbie the Space Alien, Dominic Barbara. Beatlejuice, Double A, Elephant Boy, elliot Offen, Eric the Midget, Fake Arnold, Fred Eric Noris, Gary Bababooey DeLabate, Gary the Retard, Gary The Retard, Gay Ramon, Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf, High Pitch Eric, Hook Nose Mike, Howard Stern, Ian the Drunk, Irene The Leather Weather Lady, Jeff The Drunk, Jeff the Vomit Guy, Joey Boots, John the Stutterer, Junior the Farter, Kenneth Keith Kallenbach, King of All Blacks, King of All Messengers, Mary Ann from Brooklyn, Melrose Larry Green, Miss Howard Stern, Nicole Bass, Ponce de la Phone, Ralph the fag, Rappin Granny, Retard Beauty Pageant pagent pagant, Richard Christy, Robin Ophelia Quivers, Sal The Stock Broker, Scott the engineer, Siobhan, Underdog, Vin the Retard, Wendy the Retard, Yucko the Clown.