DANCE!!!--Modern; Poi/Fire; ALL..., Sawing and decorating my surroundings, Movement & Motion, Yoga, Hot Springs, Forests, Sunrises, Flowers, Kittens!!!, Everything GREEN and leafy, Raw Foodism, Personal Development, Visualization, Spiritual Growth, Manifestation, Meditation, Entrepreneurship, Excessive tea drinking, Looking at toes...
Illuminating, transforming, absorbing information, staying in motion, making people feel deeply loved, creating a safe space for others to be themselves and to unravel their creative potential, surrendering...
Conferring with Mr. Owl...discussing how many licks it will take...
Who do I want to meet?
The Little Prince!!! Peter Pan!!
Those with depth, substance, light, consciousness and
warmth. Those in who's presence I experience paradigm
shifts and the expansion of my reality.
Amazing, heartful, lovely people that will remain in my closest circle of friends for years to come. Ones that share my dreams and visions. Dynamic, highly adventurous activity partners to dance, play, travel, learn, laugh, love, soak in hot springs, climb trees, run through waterfalls, pick flowers, catch snowflakes, blow bubbles, collect leaves, pet kittens, hug trees, roll around and frolic in enchanted forests with. Wooohooo!!!
Those that are not afraid to get lost in order to get
Other dancers, performers, playful-movement-oriented-
magical-creatures, fuzzy animals, and all the kittens in the world!
In terms of romantic connections... I know exactly the qualities that I am drawn to... And you know... since I sat down and put all of this in writing and sent that request out into the universe... in it's random and bizarre mysterious ways it has...well... responded with exactly what I asked of it... and yes it has presented me with ALL these things incredibly accurately and precisely, it's almost mind boggling.
And here's what I originally wrote, as part of my manifestation experiment that worked:
More then anything else I am attracted to artistic and
creatively-well-rounded individuals. If they inspire me in my own art form, they are priceless! I want to be continuously intellectually stimulated and my
relationships to be an ongoing learning process.
I would like to connect with those whom I share a mutual interest and fascination with each other as well as an enthusiasm in participating in each other's lives.
Those that accept, and understands my interests, and
respects my wacky health practices. Those who are
extremely, EXTREMELY romantically spontaneous! Silly and childlike yet mature, emotionally stable, grounded, focused, independent and secure. Ones that I can hold hands and skip down the street with. Who will watch sunrises with me, and play with my hair, and be just plain wacky for no reason! Those who will allow me to spoil them without taking advantage of it or expecting it. Ones that can surrender and be present, be conscious, be alive!
Those that can bring out some SERIOUS goofiness in me! Ones I can laugh a whole lot with all the time! Are capable of loving unconditionally. Are emotionally available, in the NOW. Able to surrender their expectations and be open to experience, open to the universe. Yey for Inclusiveness! Capable and willing to connect with me physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, artistically, and maybe even professionally. Letting go of everything that isn't, and together moving forward, with every breath stepping into what IS. Joining forcer, forming dynamic partnerships.
Giving, giving, giving back to the universe for all the wonderful experiences and lessons it has provided, for our own aliveness, for the beautiful gift of each other, and for all the amazing things it has lined up and waiting just around the corner. Improving, simplifying, and enriching the lives of others, and helping to make their dreams a reality, especially when they are not looking! Selflessly, without waving a flag to let the world know who did it. With no ulterior motives, but simply for the joy of giving. I want to connect with those who feels and appreciates the power of artistic creation, are amazed at this brilliantly constructed instrument that we were given to function in this world, which is the human body, and are as entranced by nature as I am. Ones that
will want to know all of me and will allow me to look deep inside and accept and love all of them. And together, part of the eternal dance of the universe we will move through time with a definition of purpose in this dynamic of unconditional love.
On that note I seem to find myself extremely attracted
to (those unfortunately rare) short, skinny, little, feminine, boys with beautiful LONG HAIR!!!, youthful faces, expressive eyes, cute little feet, and sensitive, attentive, gentle personalities...those that are gracefully random, playful and know, those that recite spur-of-the-moment poetry, channel divine light and radiate joy.
Those that have a way with words...look you right in the eyes...know just what to say to make you forget to
breath...Are confident and as a result humble. Beautiful, uninhibited boys that wear skirts and make-up and will play dress-up with me. (I swear, they are out there and they are an endangered specie of their own.) As well as emotionally stable, successful, logical, strong-willed, and very independent women of very diverse appearances. Although lately I've noticed myself being extremely attracted to little, blonde, dreaded, hippy girls.
!!!Drum N'Bass/Jungle!!!, Trip Hop (Tricky, Portishead, Massive Attack), Dead Can Dance, Everything But The Girl, Bjork, VAS, Delerium, Lamb, Electronica.....
Amelie, The Little Mermaid, Hook, Shrek, Monster's Inc., Ice Age, Matrix, Lord of the Rings (oh the purty blond Elf boy...and no I don't like Orlando Bloom, just him strictly as the elf boy)....Disney, Fantasy, unique tragic romantic foreign things...non-Hollywood-cookie-cutter, and last but not least Princess Bride.
The Simpsons....if I ever turn that damn thing on.
Illusions (favorite book ever! I love Richard Bach!), Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Bridge Across Forever, One, Running from safety, The Power of NOW, Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, The Prophet, Siddhartha, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Zen in the Art of Archery, The Alchemist, The Little Prince, The Lorax, Living on Light, the Rich Dad Poor Dad series, The Sunfood Diet Success System, Reverse Aging, Nature of Personal Reality, A Return to Love, The Road Less Traveled, Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, Magnetize Your Heart's Desire (these last 2 transformed my life in countless ways, allowing me to turn this profile into the most incredible manifestation tool, and YES in the past year and a half after writing all this I found MANY of the things I talk about in this profile, especially individuals) and a bunch more new books I'll have to update this with. In September 2004 I went to the San Francisco Public Library's yearly book sale and acquired over 80 new books. Them things excite me like no other! Now to find the time to read all of them, or start enhancing my speed reading capabilities. :)
"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is on a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others."-Martha Graham