My true passion,SPFX make up! My daughter Kasandra My Daughter,KatieI love special effects horror make up, the more complex the better! Acting in the Haunt is bad ass, i currently have two characters Babyman which i used as a line actor for 2004, and "Rage in the Cage" Which i used inside the Haunt for 2003. Other than manage and act i also build year around,creating a room or an idea that scares the crap out of people is awesome to me. I have tons of freaky ideas upstairs in my brain,some just a simple room, most a full 10,000 square foot freak show of a haunt just waiting to be built. Every year we spend our favortie weekend at Transworld in early march,taking in hundreds of booths and seminars from vendors of the Haunted House Industry,TRANSWORLD FREAKIN ROCKS!!! I have meet many horror celebritys over the past few years such as Sid Haig(Captain Spaulding), Bill Moseley(OTIS) from House of 1000 Corpses, Tom Savini(Sex Machine) from Dusk to Dawn, And Jason Vorhees. I have also bumped into Mankind the Wrestler,and Screech from saved by the - Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
..wo kick ass videos,check them out,ones hard to hear turn the sound up real loud to hear background noises...This picture i titled "Evil" Taken at Wing Ding 2007,slide show as well is all of our kick ass day at the Ding!Picture Above Wing Ding titled "Where's Adam". Picture below is
Kaylee Williams from Dream Reapers haunted house in a very cute outfit! Thanks Kaylee for sharing your beauty with me! Kaylee is a fetishwear model amongst other things, cool girl add her!My corny kid!Check this band out, they kick ASS!
2006 1000 Miles to Hell TourRob Zombie, Alice Cooper,Frank Zappa,Fred Gwynn (even though he's deceased,poor Herman!) I would also like to MEAT Jessica Alba,wouldn't you!
Im a HUGE 80's heavy metal Freak! Love Queensryche, Operation Mindcrime Rocks if you don't have this CD you dont have any fucking music at all,buy it, listen to it, learn from it! Mindcrime 2 coming this february! Iron Maiden,Judas Preist,Def Leppard and ALL the rest. Current cool tunage is Disturbed, Nonpoint,Crossfade,Shinedown, Drowning Pool, Saliva,and Rob Zombie of course.
House of a 1000 Corpses my favorite, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1&2,Final Destination 1&2, Hellraiser series, The Ring,Saw, The Grudge, Cabin Fever, Wrong Turn,Twister, and Scarface. Just saw Devils Rejects kick ass flick, long live the Firefly's!
Grey's Anatomy, OCC, and Ultimate Fighting Championship...other than that throw the dam boob tube out the window it's useless!
To old and blind to read,burn them,except for any Stephen King or Dean Koontz, Playboy, Penthouse, Or so on...Smut is good!
Fred Gwynn aka Herman Munster. He brought scary and funny together Nough said!