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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

So i guess you would like to know about me, well lets start off simple so maybe all of you vegetables can understand. My name is Chris and my birthday is April 1st of 1988 (do the math, its simple *if you cant, get your ass off myspace and do some homework*) I am the proud and loving father of a handsome young man who is aptly named Aidyn *for he is my little prince* Lemar, who birth date is 06-29-06 *see above*
Yes I am a single parent for the simple fact that his mother didnt want to grow up and take responsibilities for her own actions. I do not hold that against her, she is a great mother, just a bad person. For all of those that will say sorry DONT, I have found somebody to share the good and bad times of raising a child with. Contrary to popular belief men can actually be good parents and take care of their children. Yes Aidyn resides with me and it is her that has the visitation rights.
For all of those that cant but two and two together and come out with four, i am a very avid haunted house actor and enthusiast. I have acted at a total of 6 haunted houses across the mid west region with a few of my very close friends.
I own my own place and plan to be here for a while. Im a very unique person and i dont expect you to understand me nor do i think you ever will. I feel no need to explain myself to you for the simple fact that i know who i am and who i am not, and thats all that matters. I think rockstar therefore i am rockstar.
If you would like to get to know me and just converse then drop me a line. Aim- Berylinthrox, if i dont respond, dont take offense, im prolly not near my computer.
I'm the guy that will be straight foward with you no matter what, now with that said dont think that i am bias in any way. I will look at a situation or a person from every possible angle before making a decision or a judgement. I have my own beliefs and you have yours, i will and do accept that, but if you ever feel the need to debate i am always willing to put you in your place.
Anything else you want to know then just ask. If you cant hold a decent conversation then please dont waste my time, being as time is the only thing we have left in this world to do with it what we please, and i plan on making the best of my time.
Taken from Kelsey-You cant expect something out of someone who isnt ever there to begin with. if you take a look around, no one is perfect- sooner or later we all must grow up but theres got to be a breaking point to were you stop fucking with someone elses life..and start living and worrying about your own. karma goes around-just because it hasnt hit you yet doesnt mean it wont eventually catch up to you. sooner or later it'll hit you in the face.
I am madly in love with this short little firecracker named Marisa. After all that ive experienced i never thought i could trust or love someone as much as i do this girl. Ive got that family now, the family that is so much better than before.
One day, you'll find that one person, that one person that you just know the minute you see them that you want to be with them for the rest of your life. Then, when you finally get the chance with them..your in heaven..but like always, there's a bad side..instead of being in heaven, your in hell. Because that one special person is no longer in your life. It's hard 2 tell your mind to stop lovin someone when you know your heart still does..because you can't help who you love, you aren't supposed to.But you will never truly stop loving that one special person. No matter what you do, or where you go, they'll always be there..the memories, good and bad, will always be in the back of your mind. That person was a part of your life and you can't forget that, no matter how hard you try. they'll always be there, a part of your mind, body and soul, whether a friend or enemy. Dont frown because it's over, smile because it happened. ..Poem by Taproot
Add to My Profile | More VideosI am madly in love with this short little firecracker named Marisa. After all that ive experienced i never thought i could trust or love someone as much as i do this girl. Ive got that family now, the family that is so much better than before.

My Interests


Haunted houses, hair extensions (particular plastic), Dragonlance novels, video games, dragracing

I'd like to meet:

I already have my true friends.... you know the ones that will be here for you no matter what, stand by your side even when you are faced with a problem bigger then the world, but they arent afraid to smack you when your making a stupid decision. I'm always open to meeting new people, but if your not interesting in any way, dont expect me to pay much attention. I would like to meet somebody that can actually be honest and forget about there own personal agenda. Some one unique.Get my attention AIM---------Berylinthrox MSN/hotmail-Berylinthrox Yahoo-------Berylinthrox


Nightwish, Mu/Dv/Ay/Ne, Front 242, Rammstien, KMFDM, NIN, Dj paul, Killswitch engage, Linkin park, CombiChrist, Hell yeah, Static-X, and basically everything inbetweenCombiChrist - Intruder Alert (Live, 27.03.2007)
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Most horror and Gore. Anything with action, cars, guns, violence. Fantasy.The Promised land clip
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All i watch when i do watch TV is the discovery channel. Mainly Mythbuster and Deadliest catch. Everything on the history channel and comedy central.


Dragonlance, Dragonlance and well Dragonlance


My friends Ted and Lexie. They have something that I have always wanted and thought I had for a while. I hope you guys grow old and happy together.

My Blog

Feels great

To wake up early before the kids today. I woke up at 5:30 today ended up doing the dishes and laundry, cleaning the kitchen and living room and cooking breakfast all before 7. I feel much better today...
Posted by Christophe on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:41:00 PST

Getting back on top

It feels great to finally be able to get back on top. Im caught up on almost all of my bills for the first time in months. Yesterday I payed what i needed to then went shopping. Finally got Aidyn that...
Posted by Christophe on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:11:00 PST

If you think

Even for a second, that I didnt think about the way this would/could effect MY son in any way then obviously you havent learened a damn thing from talking to me. Ive told you that he comes first, and ...
Posted by Christophe on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:34:00 PST


The last two days have made me feel so much more accomplished than the last few months have ever been. Yesterday i got a great call from Lowes Distribution center offering me a job that i gladly accep...
Posted by Christophe on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 03:24:00 PST

Yet again

She proves that she cant be responsible. Its now 4:30 when Aidyn is supposed to be picked up at 1-2. I would understand if she would have called and said, hey the roads are pretty bad out and I dont w...
Posted by Christophe on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:33:00 PST

A Perfect Circle

Threw you the obviousAnd you flew with it on your backA name in your recollectionDown among a million, say:Difficult enough to feel a little bitDisappointed, passed over.When I've looked right through...
Posted by Christophe on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 07:19:00 PST

NiN Lyrics

Down In ItKinda like a cloud I was up way up in the sky and I was feeling some feelingsYou wouldnt believe sometimes I dont believe them myself and I decided I wasNever coming down. just then a tiny l...
Posted by Christophe on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 07:13:00 PST

To be quite honest

I heard a few things from somebody that i really..... that kinda turned me off. Im not gonna say exactly what they were, or why, ill let that person try to figure it out, if they want to. 
Posted by Christophe on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:40:00 PST


I could go the rest of my life without hearing that word. I wish i was never told there wasnt a chance in hell. If theres not a chance why would that keep two people from being together. The understan...
Posted by Christophe on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 12:17:00 PST

You would never guess

That someone could almost change your life soo much without barely knowing them. Someone that makes you wanna try again. 
Posted by Christophe on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:32:00 PST