Helen_Of_The_Dead profile picture


We are the wierdo's mister

About Me

Before I go off on the horror film rant...a few things about myself...
I smoke, I drink...I do all the things a lady shouldn't do. Sometimes I wonder if I should have been born a man...but having breasts is pretty cool. I like writing, reading, watching films, sleeping....doing absolutley nothing. I can be annoying, I have days where I feel pretty...and days where I can't look in the mirror. I'm a scaredy cat dressed as a rebel. I like chocolate a little too much...and I've always wanted to be in America. I have passion and I like to be creative, and everyday I am inspired. I try to be the best I can be...but sometimes I just can't be bothered. I love all animals....and babies usually laugh at me. I'm just a special little (5ft 4 to be exact) individual, and some say I have potential.
The darkness, everything in the shadows, everything that is haunting, gut wrenching, and sadistic; appeals to me. I want blood, guts, gore, tortury and madness. Rather than watch a romantic comedy or drama (which I have no problem with, by the way), I'm happy to sit in front of a screen filled with violent, graphic images of death and dismemberment until my stomach turns...and even then, I keep watching. It gives me ideas, inspiration and a thirst for more. I fucking love horror.
Horror films have always been a big deal. People crave those 90 or so minutes of pure, stomach wrenching images. Because of course, we can sit back safe in the knowledge that we cannot be touched by whatever it is on screen. That is until the writers and directors so cleverly weave us into their plot...and were nervous because half an hour ago we were positive we were alone...now were not so sure. From the predictable to the complete mind fucks, these films give us passion....not to mention a strong urge to throw up or hide under the duvet. How many times have you tried to convince yourself "it's not real, it's just a movie". We question ourselves on what we would do in those situations...and make the fear even stronger and more irrational. I live for that feeling. It reminds me I'm still alive.
Making films is about making your own statement. Putting a stamp on something beautiful, something horrific, something that will put audiences on the edge of their seats, or make them sit back and contemplate. All aspects of all films appeal to me. Even if the film is shit, I will always take something from it, even if it is only "remind me never to crap out something as tragic as that".
I love most of the talent within the horror genre. Directors, actors, writers, producers, special effects artists...but the people that stand out the most are the one's who avoid mainstream bullshit. There is only so many times I can watch an anorexic teenager attempt to run away from a slow moving, overweight killer with an axe...and still get butchered. At least we have alot of classics in our collections...and that is what keeps us going. Long live horror.
Just want to thank a few peeps while I am here...
Chuck Norris: thanks for all your wisdom and ass kickery. I always look forward to speaking to you ♥
Bub: for being the coolest motherfucker on Myspace. Big bloody hugs to you my friend ♥
And to all those who visit my little horror palace and appriciate the work I put into it. You're all fab, and all of you have great myspace pages full of nasty gore and shit. Keep up the good work! ♥
To my living dead girl...
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

If you have MSN Messenger and you'd like to have a chat, feel free to add me: [email protected].

I'd like to meet:

Other horror fans, actors, directors, writers...anyone with a passion for the genre...anyone with passion about any films.....as for the lovely lads, I would like to meet the following:

Cillian Murphy, Christian Bale, John Malkovich, John Cusack, Paul Adelstein, Brad Dourif, Sean Pertwee, Gary Oldman, Denzel Washington, Marc Warren, William Fichtner, Stephen King, Kiefer Sutherland, Willem Dafoe, John.C McGinley, Jake Gyllenhaal, Nick Stahl, Vin Diesel, James D'Arcy, Barry Pepper, Dave Grohl, Paul Bettany, Russell Crowe, Robert Patrick, Chuck Norris.

Be warned: I do not accept bands, and if you're not going to bother speaking to me, please don't bother requesting my friendship.

As I was going up the stairs,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist



Final Destination 3: 2 Disc Special Edition

Final Destination Trilogy: 4 Disc Boxset

Saw: 2 Disc Special Edition

Wolf Creek: 2 Disc Special Edition

Classic Monster Collection: 6 DVD Boxset (HMV Exclusive)

Ultimate Horror Collection: 10 DVD Boxset

Hammer Horror Classics: 5 DVD Boxset

Alien Quadrilogy: 9 Disc Boxset

Nightmare On Elm Street Collection: 7 Disc Boxset

Critters Collection: 4 Disc Boxset

Candyman: Special Edition

Night Of The Living Dead: Special Edition

Predator 1 & 2: Special Edition (4 Disc Boxset)

Bride Of Chucky/Seed Of Chucky: 2 Disc Boxset

Suspiria: 2 Disc Special Edition

Hellraiser Collection: Special Edition Puzzle Box

Scream Trilogy: 3 Disc Boxset

The Howling: Special Edition

Wes Craven Collection: 5 Disc Boxset

M Night Shyamalan Collection: 6 Disc Boxset

Box Of The Banned: 7 Disc Boxset

Box Of The Banned 2: 6 Disc Boxset

The Exorcist Collection: 5 Disc Boxset

House Collection: Special Edition 4 Disc Boxset

Hitchcock: Master Of Suspense: 7 Disc Boxset

Terminator Trilogy: 3 Disc Boxset

The Mimic Trilogy: 3 Disc Boxset

The Fly Collection: Special Edition 7 Disc Boxset

Interview With A Vampire: Special Edition

Driller Killer: Special Edition

The Descent: 2 Disc Special Edition

The Amityville Horror (original) - 2 Disc Special Edition

Battle Royale (subtitled) : 2 Disc Special Edition

Jaws: 30th Anniversary: 2 Disc Special Edition

Want to buy DVD's online? HMV's Online Store is your best bet.

If you can't find a DVD you are looking for....or you have any questions about upcoming releases, leave me a message or a comment and I'll help you out as much as I can. Happy Shopping, dudes.


Some of my Favourites...



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My Blog

Imprint Tribute: Sean Pertwee

In Britain, we have been pretty lucky when it comes to actors. There are always a few that step into the limelight and really make an impact. More credible work follows, and before you know it, they'r...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 07:23:00 PST

Horror Linkage: Sites You Must See

Here are a few sites I have managed to find across the World Wide Web that I think you may just be interested in. All these sites show a vast range of horror dedication, not to mention great...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 05:58:00 PST

The Descent

It's rare that us Brits get a chance to see a movie before Americans, so I'm as giddy as Myers in a knife shop about The Descent.I've had this film in my DVD collection for months and months, and beli...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 10:45:00 PST

Imprint Tribute: Brad Dourif

"I would much rather be a fabulously wealthy actor. But since I am not, the character parts are more interesting, gives much more diversity. Villains are great. If it wasn't for the devil, we wouldn't...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 02:50:00 PST

Imprint Tribute: ZOMBIES!

When there is no room left in Hell,The dead will walk the earth.   This is Bub, by the way.... There is always something that holds a creature back from taking over the world. Vampires...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:18:00 PST

Just A Few More...

Considering I only have a certain amount of space on the main page to tell you about upcoming horror films, we shall continue here... Heartstopper - PRODUCTION Two young people discover how much worse...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:12:00 PST

Imprint Tribute: John Carpenter's 'The Thing'

Man is the warmest place to hide... "I just wanna go up to my shack and get drunk."-MacReady A six year old girl sits in front of a television and stares intensively at the screen. No matter how muc...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:16:00 PST

Creature Features: Werewolves

Even a man who is pure in heart, And says his prayers by night, May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, And the autumn moon is bright. No matter how old you are, or how many films you have seen o...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 02:52:00 PST

Creature Features: Vampires

Sleep All Day,Party All Night,Never Grow Old,Never Die. It's Fun To Be A Vampire Vampires are the kind of villain that we all try to dislike, unsuccessfully. They're the motherfuckers who always look ...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:13:00 PST

Horror You Can Take Home

Horror On DVD SAW: 2 DISC SPECIAL EDITIONIn case you have been living in a box......or something, I shall remind you that this film is now available on special ed. The great features on both dis...
Posted by Helen_Of_The_Dead on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 08:29:00 PST