Smiffy profile picture



About Me

Im a full time bar manager and more recently a part time 80..s DJ!....well hardly DJ-ing just pressing stop and play and dancing like a loon with my partner in crime Dj 2 foot to Blondie!! They ruuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllleeeee!!!!!!

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My Interests

I love My beatiful girlfriend and my lil dog Bruiser x

I'd like to meet:

NORMAL people please no wierdos!!!


House and 80..s all the way!!!!! Seamus Haji Freemasons and Blondie are some of my faves! i love dancing to my girlfrinds tunes (shes the best DJ in the world)im also loving the Gossip...Beth Ditto is so cool!!


Forrest Gump is one that always gets me and scary movie 2 just for that man with the wierd hand . . hoo child!!!


Friends, bottom, young ones, ab fab, gimmie gimme gimme, Eastenders and the friday night project!!


ive just finished reading "the Gift" by Mia Dolan. I cried loads!!!


My parents!